Monday, May 30, 2022

Working Solo

I've been busy weeding the tomatoes.  All 112 of them.  I am using a hand hoe until my smaller tiller arrives.  I have to stay on top of it.  Yes, the flower beds and herb garden are still waiting on me.  I am working solo.  My husband had to work Sunday and today.  No outdoor get together for us this year.  No grilling, no anything but garden work.

However, the heat sent me inside.  I finally finished this order for a shop.  I had all but one already made, so that was nice.  I do need more buttons for making more though.  A trip to the craft store is on the agenda, but not soon.

The heat will be worse today.  I'll be out there early to beat the heat and keeping an eye on things.  Yesterday I found that something dug up my cherry tomato plant, but left it.  It's been replanted and watered.  Praying it comes back to life, as I do not want to spend more money on a new plant.  It already had cherry tomatoes on the plant as well.

My wheelbarrow has a flat tire.  Hubby promised to replace it, but he's not had time for that.  It may be on my to-do list this week.

I feel like I am juggling all things that need done really.  Painting continues, but limited to space (painting floor trim on saw horses).  I finally cleaned out the leather trunk that was on our first motorcycle, and it's up for sale.  Today, I really need to remember to check on laundry.  The garden work makes me forget the regular chores around here.

My trips to the grocery have been very few lately.  My last trip was to get some quinoa chips for queso to go with tacos.  I was in complete shock to see the price almost $6.00!!!  I am so glad we planted what we did, after sticker shock at the store.  I'm am, however, keeping an eye on staying stocked up.  


  1. It goes without saying... I LUV those wee little Glampers that you crochet...
    And yes, I too get sticker shock when I go into the market!
    Times, they are a changin'

  2. Thank you Katmom, I'm pretty happy a store wants to sell my ornaments. If they sell quickly, she'll re-order with me, so I need to get more made. Yeah, the prices on things are horrible.


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