Friday, May 6, 2022

Rain and gloomy days. . .


I'm starting to panic about the garden getting planted.  We should have tilled last Sunday.  It's been nothing but rain, rain, and more rain.  Rain today and tomorrow as well.  I'm not sure any tilling will get done Sunday, and that was the plan.  We will not be planting peas either (sad face here).  It's too late.  They would be coming up by now.

I spent most of my day cooking for my husband's birthday, so I start today with a sink full of dirty dishes, but worth it. He was so happy to come home, after a 12 hour day, and get homemade Einkorn peanut butter cookies, and homemade sloppy joes and sweet potato fries.

I picked a few more asparagus, so that is on the menu soon.  I feel like we are not getting as much this year for some reason.

I am relieved however, to find out that work is buying my husband's crew brunch on Saturday.  I thought I would be cooking all day today, but thankfully not.  I will be painting again.

When I was mixing the peanut butter cookies in my mixer, I realized it is on the edge of it's life time.  I mentioned it to my husband several times, but now it's really not working well.  I think I've had it for 20 years though.

I wish I would have known, or have thought to look for this when I first started painting.  Our kitchen is paneling on most walls, and trim work is a pain in the rump.  Man this tight space gadget saved my headache.  Works like a charm, and the tape works better for the uneven areas.  I had asked my husband to just take the trim off the walls, and ceiling for me, but this saved him from having to do that too.

The futon is still in my living room.  I tried to give it away for free last weekend, and he was a no-show (family member).  I put it up for free again, and last night they were unable to pick it up due to rain. They said today, but guess what folks?  Rain, and rain tomorrow.  It's not likely it's leaving, but I plan to get it out by Sunday, even if I have to do it on Mother's Day.  It will be out by the road with a free sign.  Dang kids leaving things for me to deal with when I shouldn't have to.

Although my body aches in places that have never before, I am very, very happy with the new look of the kitchen, with just paint.  It's been a long time coming with all the kids banging up cupboards, and walls.  To think it all started with the dishes Mom gave me.  I am so glad the kitchen floor repair is done, and that created us to re-think the 14 year old look of the kitchen.  I'm not ready to move the computer back to the desk in the kitchen.  I have to paint desk cabinet trim, and another window and ceiling trim before that happens.


  1. those cookies look scrumptious...would love the recipe. Happy Bday to your hubby...he's a lucky man

  2. Lisa, I'll try and remember to get that recipe posted. It's my husband's favorite PB cookie.


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