Monday, May 2, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

Sunday was my husband's only day off during last week, and I had a "honey-do" list for him (but not a long one).  I had things I needed help with to move forward on the kitchen.

We had plans for the day, and waiting until noon for a family member (his side) to pick up the free futon Daughter K left behind.  He was a no-show.  So frustrating with these young kids thinking they have all the time in the world, when we specifically said free and "must be picked up by noon."

We still got our motorcycle ride in, but the futon remains in my living room.  Anyway, painting resumes today.  I keep finding more things I need to do. 

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
63°/51°  A good day to wash bed quilts and dry them outside

As I look outside my window . . .
Our mower guy mowed, so it is looking nice.  I have more to clean off the front porch however. I just may do that and put the futon there (or by the road for free).

Right now I am . . .
Up at 5:34am.  I was up earlier, but not up early enough to kiss my husband before he left for work.

Thinking and pondering . . .
Well, we contacted the antique store in the "big city" and one of the owners is in the hospital, so the furniture is still not sold.  I have an entire kitchen floor filled with more boxes, and the plan was to offer it to the antique dealer.  Now, it's on hold until I find a suitable home.

How I am feeling . . . 
...a mix of feelings ha ha!  Tired, as I am trying to get on my husband's schedule, very happy for the progress we are making with the kitchen, and frustrated with the sale of furniture, sale of my antiques, and frustrated with getting rid of the futon.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Leftover French toast, sausage and scrambled eggs.  Oh, and organic coffee of course.

On the reading pile . . .
Still haven't finished my current book.

On my TV this week . . .
Anything interesting.

On the menu . . .
-leftovers tonight
-have no idea until I check the freezer.

Looking around the house . . .
I have a lot to do to get the living room ready to tear out carpet.

Homemaking tip . . .

I have the weirdest kitchen cabinet set up.  The people who owned a home selling business, put in a random used set of cabinets.  In the beginning the upper and lower were two different colors.  My larger cabinet I keep baking sheets, cooling racks, cutting board in, has no shelf.  I have been great at organizing it vs. put in a pull out shelf due to the amount of bowls and strainers I use during garden harvest months.  I purchased a corner shelf to hold extra strainers.

To make a sturdy shelf, I cut a dollar tree placemat to fit.  Now the bottom legs of the strainers won't get caught in the wire shelf itself.

The to-do list . . .
-finish painting the kitchen desk cabinets
-touch up paint on the front door
-paint onion/garlic bin
-start painting the floor trim so we can finally get it back where it belongs (the floor guys never put it back)
-clean master bath
-purge master bath cabinets
-slow purge the garage (when I go out there for something, I pick something we don't use anymore and find a new home for it)

From the camera . . .
I have nothing today.

Prayers . . .
No special requests right now.


  1. How frustrating when you are ready for stuff to LEAVE and it doesn't go quickly. You are doing a great job!
    Have a great week

  2. Luludou, I have much better luck putting a free item by the roadside with a free sign. That actually may happen after this rain stops.

  3. I love the idea for the shelf and placemat! We have very weird cabinets too - but it's not forever so something temporary like this would be perfect! Thanks for the idea.

  4. Sherry, I found the corner shelf on Amazon, and got the placemat at Dollar Tree. It works perfect to keep things more organized, and the baking sheets, cutting boards and cooling racks fit underneath on their side. Works so well and I feel so happy when I have to get something from that cupboard.


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