Thursday, April 21, 2022

Rainy Day Baking and Cleaning ~ Homegrown Asparagus

 I told my husband that I am, despite the work, having fun getting the house the way we want it (and stay that way for once).

I was sort of just going around getting side tracked, but things are going forward.  As I opened a cupboard, I just decided to empty them both and re-organize.  It's been sort of like a "sigh" moment along the way.

Our friend who repairs cars, came over and did an oil change on the truck for us.  We are thankful for that.  You never now how long you have to wait in town for one anymore.  We buy the supplies and he charges way less than in the "big city."

The chickens are laying great right now, so I baked us an angel food cake.  I haven't baked one of these in many years.  We just eat it plain for a snack, and sometimes add a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

It's raining again today, but warmer than yesterday.  I checked on the asparagus and I have a few shoots up about halfway. It won't be long now, after this rain, to harvest some.


  1. Oh yum, love angel food cake~
    It feels good to get things how you want them. Enjoy!

  2. Thanks Lady Locust, we are far from getting everything done, but so glad I can get more of the kitchen organized and purged.


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