Tuesday, January 25, 2022

More Snow but some Sunshine (despite freezing temps)

My husband has not had the energy to return to work, so today I will be brewing up some medicinal teas, and making sure we get outside for fresh air (even if it's to get the mail and tend the hens).  We are wanting this crud to be gone, gone, gone.  My husband works outside, climbs towers, and has a one hour drive to work.  We are greatly saddened he cannot go get the antibody therapy, but will continue to do what we can from home to get over this.

I, however, have not gotten over the cough.  I just got online and ordered a cool-mist humidifier.  I dug our ancient one out of the garage, and nope (dinosaur of a humidifier, we haven't used it in that many years).  I am sure, with the increase in cases, we would not find a humidifier in stores right now.  It is due to arrive tomorrow (not quick enough).  It was my last resort.  We don't have to energy for the 55 minute round trip, let alone the walking in and out and searching.  Thank you Amazon.

Question:  What's the best way to freeze buttermilk?  I'm hankering homemade cornbread to go with our big pot of chili, and have zero on hand (and there is no way I'm going out for it).  So, to prepare for the future, any suggestions on freezing it would be appreciated.

Trash finally picked up today.  We missed it last week due to all of us sick.  They warned us that they may be delayed due to their hydraulics not working in 0 degree weather.

Daughter K has a cough she can't get rid of now too.  Sigh.

Other than those updates, we are heading out to the barn to fetch firewood, and maintaining minimal housework.

Stay safe my friends!


  1. It does stink to high heaven. But when I am better I'll have natural antibodies designed by GOD. I was really sick around the holidays, the worst I ever felt in my life. The lack of any form of energy with this crud is amazing. I couldn't even get out of my own way. So I know exactly how you all feel. I hope it passes quickly for you all. Every day is different in how I feel now. Hydrate.

  2. Faith, thanks. We get to a point we think we are getting over it, and slam! Just getting a shower takes energy anymore.

  3. I will pray that you and your husband are feeling much better soon. These illnesses are affecting everyone these days it seems. Teas, stay warm and rest along with zinc and vitamins A and D should help a lot.

  4. Sure hope that you and your husband are feeling much better very soon. I don't know anything about freezing buttermilk but have you ever tried making your own for baking? A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to one cup of milk. I don't buy buttermilk because I don't use it often enough without the unused spoiling. My mom taught me this trick many years ago and it works great. Have a good week.

  5. Debi, yes I have made it homemade, but my cornbread is never as moist. I'll try using the ACV next time. I typically use lemon juice or white vinegar. Thanks.


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