Friday, December 10, 2021

Sprained Ankle and boring stuff

Our wood stove door got dropped off, but not by me.  I had Daughter K drop it off for me.  I had something that was irritating my eye, and didn't feel up to that long drive.  Door is there, but the glass cutter was not.  Not sure when it'll be done.  My husband brought me home eye drops and my eye feels a bit better today.

On the sprained ankle.  I can't recall anything I was doing that would cause it,  other than I tripped on Daughter K's boots in the hallway this week.  I am guessing because I walked on it, fetching fire wood, tending the hens, etc.  I made it irritated, because I was not icing it, or wrapping it for 2 days.

Go figure, I have zero comfrey poultices in my freezer, but I do have comfrey salve.  The ice pack will be used for now.  Thankfully, I have a cane to get around, but foot will be up most of this day (sigh).  

Does anyone know if I can make a poultice using dried comfrey and comfrey root?  I think I have both, but in dried form.

I do have to take dogs out, tend hens, get mail etc.  I'll just have to grin and bear it, while muttering under my breath.

I had to laugh yesterday evening.  I put turkey in the crockpot and planned on home canned beets for an easy dinner.  I was in bed watching the cooking channel doing some handiwork (with feet up).  He was really enjoying it.  I went to fetch clothes from the washer to put on drying racks, and he said "Look they are making turkey quesadillas.  Let's make those."

He literally went to the kitchen and made them for us.  They were very good.  We used pepper jack cheese.  Delicious.

I think I have my husband hooked on the cooking channel when he gets home from work.  I better be careful though.  Spring will be here in no time, and we'll be back to the garden in the evenings.  Meanwhile, we'll  just enjoy watching it.  We love Farmer and the Foodie.

On a sad note, I received an email that a old classmate of mine, passed away yesterday.  Her daughter found her at her desk with headphones on.  She was experiencing upset stomach, and couldn't eat for the two days prior to this, and did not seek medical help.  Such sad news to all of us.

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