Sunday, December 26, 2021

Clean Up

 We made a lot of dirty dishes Christmas day, but the meal will provide for us for a few days.  Today is our wedding anniversary, but because it falls the day after such a big day, it often gets no attention (in any special way).

My husband filled my foot tub soak with hot water yesterday, but later realized he forgot to add the epsom salts.  My ankle is still a bit swollen.

The girls (who were here for Christmas) seemed to really like their homemade gifts. It was a rainy sort of day, and we just cooked and ate when we felt like it, while watching movies and relaxing. 

My kitchen looks like a tornado went thru it, so I'm not looking forward to spending the morning cleaning up.


  1. My kitchen was a disaster after Christmas too. I just took my time cleaning it up (hubby helped) and this morning it's finally back to normal. I'm glad everyone liked their homemade gifts (they are the best). It's always nice when your heard work is appreciated.

  2. Debi, my kitchen is not quite back to normal yet, but today I plan to finish cleaning. Yes, it's always good to see that homemade gifts were appreciated. They were both gifts that they could use too.


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