Monday, November 1, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

 We got away for another adventure over the weekend.  A fall foliage trip.  

The colors were absolutely gorgeous.  The weather not so good, but we still had a good time.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Tired.  I didn't sleep well, with a lot on my mind, despite our weekend away.  I came home to a dirty kitchen, and it's time to do a family meeting with Daughter K about her housekeeping (lack of is a better word).

On my mind . . .

See above.  I've been up since 3am.  

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no clue.  Egg production is down, so there is that.

Right now I am . . .

Doing dishes, getting dinner in the crock pot and getting my head together to make a to-do list.

On my reading pile . . .


On today's to-do list . . .

-make a plan for the rest of the week, as I have to get it together today first.

On my TV . . .

How to get away with murder - Netflix

On the menu . . .

Working on it.  

From the camera . . .

See weekend trip photos above.

Looking around the house . . .

It's a mess, but mostly due to a lazy daughter.

New recipe I tried or want to try . . .

A homemade cake recipe I want to try.

To relax this week I will . . . 


Prayer list . . .

All the families that also recently lost loved ones.


  1. Hope you get to rest and relax this week. Looks like you had a good weekend, hate getting back to a messy house though :(
    Have a great week

  2. What beautiful photos of the colorful fall trees. Hope you have a wonderful first week of November!

  3. Luludou, thanks. Coming home to a mess is frustrating. She's 21 too. We are having a sit down talk for sure.

  4. Gorgeous photos, I really do think Fall is the most beautiful season. It's never fun coming home to a messy house, I'm sorry that happened.

    Sure hope you get some rest this week.

    Have a blessed week.

  5. Sandra, thank you. Yeah, living with a 21 year-old can be a challenge lately.

  6. I know how you feel. My daughter is 22, she works in the evenings but would not dream of doing anything around the house unless asked or her friends are coming round.

  7. Bobbing Along, same here. Only if we have company coming over will she clean.


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