Thursday, October 21, 2021

Life can change in an instant.....

We got our sad news about Patty while we were on a camping trip last weekend.  We relied on our cell phones to make arrangements from the camper.  We are thankful we visited her the day prior.  Enjoy your family and friends.  Life can change in an instant.  Although her nurses took precautions (mask, gloves the whole sha-bang), Patty contracted covid from a nurse in her home.

As for the camping trip?  Well, it was interesting for sure.  It was so windy we had to put the awning back up, and could not make a campfire until the morning we left.  We were thankful that the campground had a cement slab for our door way and chairs (we moved our chairs to the campfire the morning we cooked a campfire breakfast).  It rained the entire first night, but we still had a good time.

I made a few things for the meal for Patty's celebration of life.  It took some work, but we got someone to do the main meal for us (so very very thankful for that help). I baked a double batch of honey roasted caramel corn, a double batch of chex mix, and made two pans of cherry delight.  I'm glad I did though.  Only one other family member made 2 pies and all desserts went fast.

In fact, Monday we were so busy that we both forgot to eat lunch and dinner ended up refried beans and organic tortilla chips.  If someone had offered to deliver us a meal, I would have gladly accepted. It didn't happen though.

We are all totally mentally and physically exhausted.  In fact, daughter K left the meal early, and upon getting home felt sick.  She immediately, based on her symptoms, went to Urgent care.  She tested negative, but has a random virus.  We are keeping her upstairs, sanitizing and what not.

I joked that I'd tie her medications on the collar of her dogs and send them up to her.  Meanwhile, I'll get the diffuser out and have it going downstairs (now that we don't have a cat down here and we put a curtain on the stairway).

We had a beautiful weather day for the funeral.  Today, the thunder is rolling in with rain.  It's been over a week since I have been in the garden, and it can wait now.  There are still plants to pull, and hopefully some greens etc. to harvest and put up.

Now we are back to homestead work, and sadly my coop door broke.  It's been one thing after another.  My sink is over-flowing with dirty dishes, so it's first on the to-do list today.  I told my husband let it sit until today.  We just needed a bit of rest.  He is back to work today.

Thank you for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers regarding the passing of my husband's sister.  Had covid not been here, she would have probably out lived us all.  She has been through a lot in life, but also brought much love and laughter.


  1. Thinking of you and praying over you and your family during this difficult time.

  2. So sorry to hear of your sister in law's passing. CoVid has robbed so many of a good long life and yet, so many still do not take it serious. I was sick for about 4 days with it, but thankfully, it was a very mild case. However, my poor cousin suffered so bad and passed from it.

  3. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

    God bless.

  4. Thank you all for your prayers, and good thoughts. It's been a bit rough lately.


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