Monday, October 25, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

Just 2 days after finding out we could set up meals on wheels for my Mom, the newspaper printed an article about food shortages and "problems" getting meals to seniors.  I sighed.  Just when we found a solution, the darn covid issues stomped them.  The article mentioned bulk food prices for them went 4 times higher than in 2019. They are making adjustments.

Our local schools are experiencing the same food shortages, and now they lack enough bus drivers due to covid and sick drivers.  They had an emergency meeting.  They may have to go back to in-home schooling again.  Currently, they are asking parents to share rides.  Some parents are not able to do this.  We gave family and friends with kids in that school system.

My husband worked all weekend.  We were up early drinking coffee and I realized I need to get the garden hoses off the house and put into storage.  It also meant I needed to pull the beets and carrots (need the hose to wash the dirt off as we have a septic and cannot run dirt down our sink).

I got that done, and realized there was more to do outside than I thought.  Beets did not do well this year.

We got a good chuckle with Daughter E last night.  Ha ha! She called and said she didn't know how to turn the heat on in her apartment.  We had her send photos and she didn't know what a furnace was.  So funny.  Her heat is on though.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I will link up later when she posts.  I'm an early bird.

The weather . . .
62°F/45° Rain all day

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Tired.  We both didn't get to sleep in over the weekend.  

On my mind . . .

The kitchen floor project.  I hope our crew is all healthy when we finally set the date.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Sausage, potato, eggs, swiss chard, bell pepper, and jalapeno breakfast burrito, organic coffee

Right now I am . . .

Posting this, then jumping in the shower to get my "power shower" and get this day started.

On my reading pile . . .

Honestly, I haven't been reading anything lately.  I need to get back with a good book.

On today's to-do list . . .
-freeze bell peppers and more hot peppers
-make more fire powder
-laundry, and get it on the drying racks
-sweep and mop
-pull bedding from the camper and start winterizing it
-take more totes upstairs
-change light bulbs
-dishes, dry and put them away

On the TV. . .

You Bet Your Life (Jay Leno) Love this new show.  The show makes me laugh and I have fun guessing the answers.  Cooking shows when they are on.

On the menu this week . . .
-Grilled chicken kabobs, baked smashed brussel sprouts
-pumpkin/ricotta stuffed shells, crock pot carrots
-Cheese sandwiches, home canned tomato/basil soup
-Turkey, carrots

From the camera . . .

I picked a lot more hot peppers than I thought. 

Looking around the house . . .
Looks like I need to buy a few storage totes.  I washed up the towels from the camper, and some hot pads.  I will store that, and the linens in the house this year.

New recipe I tried last week . . .
I tried a baked donut recipe.  It was good.   We are going to try a new grilled chicken kabob recipe this week.  I also have a new crock pot recipe with chicken to try.

To relax this week, I will . . .

Something I want to share . . .

Fun fact I learned:  you can eat the tops (pesto, sauces etc) and they have more vitamin C than the root itself.

On my prayer list . . .
Mom (heart health issues), Mike's family (passed away from a car/semi accident), the world, the USA


  1. Haha your daughter's comment had me laughing. This morning mine said I can't get the car windows defrosted don't have a scraper for it... told her to start it in advance... she answers I can't don't have a remote :) :) told her she could use her 2 legs. kids! love them

  2. Looks like you are busy. Covid has lighten up here but hope we dont get another outbreak here. I made hot sauce from the last of my peppers for hubby. Wow I can still smell it.

  3. Lisa, I plan to make hot sauce too. I've been crazy busy, but in a good way.

  4. Wow, look at all those peppers! Seems like vaguely in the back of my mind I knew about the carrot tops, maybe from a recipe somewhere but it's a good reminder. Sorry to hear of another loss in your family. Hope you have a good and healthy week.


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