Monday, October 11, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


Beautiful sunrise this morning.

I had to frog the second cardigan sleeve.  Not sure what is wrong with my brain, because I know how to crochet.   I will put it off for another day and get back to it.  

An odd sighting on Sunday - a man jogging down the country highway with a USA flag.  A car was behind him with hazard lights on, but I couldn't read what was on the side of the car.  I'll admit, I lifted my spirits to see him doing that.  I would have had a photo if I had my phone in my hand, but I had a cup of coffee in my hand instead.

Daughter E came out for a visit.  That was a blessing, considering my husband and Daughter K were both working.  She took more of her belongings, and we chatted for a while.

I called the General Store, where I may be selling one of my items.  They have not yet emailed or called me back.  I know they are busy with fell festival stuff, so I may need to call again this week.  Or I may stop in with the items.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 
I'll link up after she posts this morning.

The weather . . .
86°/65° F, sunny

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Exhausted, but mostly because my husband worked all weekend, so I worked at the house.  Not having a weekend to sleep in is exhausting.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Frittata, coffee.   Lots of coffee.

On my reading pile . . .
Nothing, again oddly

On today's to-do list . . .
-boil pinto beans for bean dip and freeze most of it
-pick peppers from the garden
-freeze more hot peppers

On my tv . . .
Whatever we find interesting on Netflix

On the menu this week . . .
-Leftover Chicken Spaghetti
-Baked walleye, veggie
-honestly, have no idea yet, ha ha!

From the camera . . .

The rain gave us more hot peppers.  Maybe fire powder for Christmas gifting?  I really don't want to can, but I may be canning hot pepper mustard sauce.  I guess canning first.  There won't be any family holiday gatherings again this year.

Looking around the house . . .
My kitchen, for once, is beautifully cleaned, tidy and a fresh breath of air.

To relax I will . . .

Something I want to share . . .

Look what I made!  Oatmeal/vanilla soap.  I can add soap making to my craft show days next year.  I'm so excited I tried a kit first.  I think the smaller bars will be great for people who rent out homes for Airbnb or similar.  Question.  What is the best source to buy a goat's milk soap base?  I found some on Amazon, but wondered if there is a lower priced base elsewhere?  

New Recipe I tried or one I want to try. . .

I've printed this out for the next time I need it. Thought I would share.

I also tried a homemade "fritos" recipe.  I adapted organic ingredients.
I want to try a smashed brussel sprout recipe soon too.

Devotional, Inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse . . .
Husband's sister Patty (covid), Mom (she's getting a bit better)


  1. Praying for you all. I love Fritos. And the hot peppers. Have a beautiful day.

  2. R's Rue, thank you. Have a beautiful day too.

  3. Beautiful sunrise!! Those are really cute soaps!! Homemade fritos.... yum!

    Happy Monday!

  4. Beautiful pictures. I like the soaps! I'd like to try and make some at some point too.
    Have a great week

  5. Cute soaps! Glad you had a nice visit with your daughter. Hope you have a wonderful week!


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