Saturday, October 23, 2021

Garden Work ~ Rain Barrels and other Tidbits


I pulled all of my hot pepper plants and brought in 2 strainers full of hot peppers. I brought in some swiss chard and one small bell pepper, which went into breakfast.   Our weather is changing and evenings are getting pretty cold.  We will be picking up some free ash that is already split too, as we'll need to fire up the wood stove soon.

I drained the rain barrels and have them flipped over for winter storage.  One has the spigot completely ripped off.  Our mower guy must have gotten too close.  It's fixable though.

Daughter K went back to work.  She's feeling better thankfully.


  1. Your garden goodies look fantastic! Good idea to to put your rain barrels out of commission during freezing winter. Glad your daughter is better!

  2. Yes lots of work to put the garden to bed and get ready for fall. I can winter garden here but I am not going too this year. Just going to put it to bed and start over in early spring.

  3. Leigh, thank you. Yes, the best way to store my rain barrels is up side down and empty. Otherwise I risk them filling with snow or rain, and cracking. They are not cheap to replace either.

  4. Lisa, I can fall garden but that's where it ends for us. Then we start over in the spring.


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