Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Why I Wear Cowboy Boots. . . Tidbits

It took me a while to figure out how to get this saved to my computer from social media, but I got it done.  It was too long to be able to upload the entire song. I had to save it in 3 short videos to post it on my blog.  I will try and make it a video on YouTube later when I have more time and upload the entire song.  My younger brother is working on a slideshow possibly for this song.

This is my Dad singing and playing his guitar.  He used to take song requests and play at a radio station in the 50's.  Happy birthday in Heaven to my Dad!

I thought I would spread some goodness and love today.  Hope you enjoyed it.  

Dad was a true cowboy.

My husband leaned over this basket and said, "it's like Christmas in a basket" ha ha!  I'll be out picking more over the next few days, but this has to be the worst tomato harvest we've ever had.  In 2016 we had a 300# year.  This year I'm barely bringing in enough to can small batch recipes. 

As for Mom, she had another fall.  Her 14 meals were delivered but had to be thrown out.  They must have sat on the Fed Ex truck way too long.  They delivered a wet, soggy box.  The dry ice had melted.  More meals are arriving Friday.  Praying they arrive cold this time.  We are taking care of meals today.  The delivery/mail systems are having staffing issues and of course slow right now.

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