Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Wham Bam Slam

 Conversation with my husband....

"Hey, Mom gave me her set of red glass dishes to put in the glass door hutch.  In order to do that we have to jack up the floor first."

Well, that was followed by an entire day of trying to access under the kitchen with two accesses we already have.  Didn't happen.  We created a 3rd.  Got in a few feet, and dug out some dirt to get to the beam.  

Jacked up the floor only after an entire day of work, to find we have dry rot.

Guess who is ripping out their kitchen floor?  Yep.  We can't do sister joists from the access.  No room for anyone to get in.  Seriously old house problems.  Guess I'm gonna get new kitchen flooring out of this now.  Just what we don't need.  I may live with a wood floor until next year, and put new flooring in the kitchen.

On the same day, after all that bad news, we went to town to pick up a new recliner we bought for Mom.  We picked it up, delivered it, and once it was inside we discovered it was the wrong chair.  We packed it back up and took it back.  Delivery date for the right one??  12 weeks.  Sigh.

On the good side of this, we found out before winter.  On the bad side, it's canning season.

Mom's 2nd delivery attempt of her 14 free meals failed.  They never arrived, so we picked up a few hot meals.  My younger brother was off over the weekend, so he (what I call "granny rigged") added handles, hooks and what not to her home to make it much easier for her to get around.

Oh, her appetite is back.  Such good news that the new medication is working in more ways than one.  Today we are working on getting a transport wheelchair and a shower stool for her.  She would very much like to get her hair done, which would make her feel much better.

I'm beginning to tarp down more grass between 2 flower beds to make mowing much easier, but those tarps will stay down all winter and we'll tackle that area next year.  Not sure, but I think I'll add a few flowering bushes and perennials in that area.

Labor day weekend was full of labor for us.  Thankfully, Monday we were able to have a somewhat restful day.  We grilled steaks on the porch and relaxed.  We didn't get time to play cards, as he worked on fixing Daughter K's blinker too.  I was thankful to get my husband's famous bacon omelets Monday for breakfast.  Those two steaks cost us $42.00!! 

Daughter T came for a visit with our grandson.  I sent her home with two kids wooden, handmade rockers we had in the garage, along with a few other items (so thankful to get more purged).  More went out by the road that was basically junk, but a scraper may pick it up, which would be nice for us.

 China is buying up US businesses and farm land, and it's very scary of what will/my happen to this country now. 

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