Thursday, September 23, 2021

Rain and Wind ~ Dutch Oven Chili Adjusted ~

We are getting hit with a ton of rain and wind.  Flooding is happening in some areas.  The temperature has really dipped too.  We woke up to 48 degrees this morning.

I went scrambling for my chili recipe and could not find it.  I think I have too many tab options in my recipe box ha ha!

I found it in the "camping" recipes, but I adjust it to make on the stove and in the crock pot.

I basically cook the bacon and ground beef first on the stove top (or oven). Then put all remaining ingredients in the crock pot.  I add jalapeno for some heat too.

I'm putting the recipe here, but if you want to make it over a campfire, you'll need a dutch oven and hot coals.

Dutch Oven Chili

2 lbs. ground beef, organic
1/2 lb. bacon, organic
2 5.5 oz. cans tomato paste, organic
2 large yellow onions, diced
2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbsp. chopped celery (optional)
2 tsp. cumin
2 - 28 oz cans of whole tomatoes (I use frozen garden tomatoes when I have them)
3 -  16 oz. cans red kidney beans, organic, drained

I also cook the ground beef with the onions and add garlic last.  I then just add everything to the crock pot, and heat it on low all day long, but it has better flavor the next day too.  I have never added the celery, but that is optional.


  1. Üs too with the weather. Thanks for the recipe ! Its corn soup here.

  2. We have had quite the storm here too, thankfully no damage or flooding.

  3. Chili is one of my favorite dinners. It's tasty and filling, but most importantly, my husband is the chili maker in our family!

  4. Lisa, that is funny because I was thinking of making that soup too.

  5. mamasmercantile, there are many large farms that do fall festivals, and a few have had to close today for flooding.

  6. Debi, that is funny. My husband wouldn't know who to make it. I love it, because we can eat it for a few days and even freeze some for later. Yum.


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