Friday, September 3, 2021

Hot Peppers and tidbits

I had a mess of hot peppers to take care of, so I made one last batch of hot pepper jelly.  I'll be freezing the rest, or using them in recipes such as salsa etc.

I froze a bunch of mad hatter peppers.  I'll use these in recipes that call for red bell pepper and in many recipes.  I have a ton more to freeze today or I lose them.

Army worms have invaded our state.  I have yet to see any at our property, but some friends are dealing with their entire yards gone.

I brewed up a batch of homemade ginger ale for Mom.  She has had no appetite and loves my ginger ale.  I wanted to make her favorite snack, but decided it was best to not right now.  She says the only thing she can eat right now are tomatoes and popcorn.  My tomato plant has new tomatoes on, but nothing ready to pick, so we'll check the produce down the road.

Speaking of Mom, she has had two more falls since I last posted.  We went into town last night and helped do some things and feed her cats, but didn't get home until dark.

Daughter K had to work late, so we had dog duty, had to feed her cat, put the chickens in and when that was all done we were literally drained of any mental/physical energy.

My kitchen sink and counters are full of dirty dishes, laundry was left on the line all night, I didn't have time to make a breakfast for my husband to take to work this morning, and we are both mentally and physically exhausted.  

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are able to get some rest. It's not good to run yourself ragged. Keeping you in my prayers that life slows down a bit for you.


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