Monday, September 13, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

We went on yet another camping adventure, and a well deserved retreat.  Just the outdoors, nature, card playing, music, campfires, campfire meals and time for us.

We drove to another city and picked up some of Mom's favorite popcorn (a different kind), got locally made ice cream and other treats.  We both laughed when we looked down and we both had on our slippers in the store (ha ha!).

I took my latest unfinished project I found in the closet and enjoyed the great outdoors.  Meals were cooked over the campfire.  Our camper has a radio that plays inside and outside, so we took advantage of that too.  We can't wait for the next adventure.


Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I'll link up when she posts (and I remember to, ha ha!)

Weather . . . 

Hot!  We had beautiful weather over the weekend.  Perfect for camping, but we are now back to hot weather.  90's.  Possibly rain Tuesday late and into Wednesday morning.   

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Revived and ready to get order in this homestead.  I'm also happy to have received a "paycheck" from the museum, where I sell handiwork.  I am not happy to see Daughter K left dirty dishes sit, but we came home to find out she had been sick over the weekend.

She went to Urgent care on Sunday evening and was told she is dehydrated.  Wearing a mask 8 hours a day, she is not drinking water.  We told her it's best to carry a water bottle or thermos at work from now on.

We visited Mom Sunday as well, when we returned home.  She's not really feeling any better.  

On the breakfast plate . . .

I have no idea, ha ha!  

Looking around the house . . .

Kitchen needs a major clean up.  Same with the living room, but then we have yet to set a date to rip up the kitchen floor.

On my reading pile . . .

I took a book to the campground,  but spent most of my relaxing time doing crochet work.  I'll post it a picture of it tomorrow.  I hope to start reading it, now that the garden is slowing down.

On my TV . . .

Click Bait, Netflix

On the menu this week . .

-Roasted Turkey, Sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts
-Pork chops/BBQ sauce, quinoa and a veggie

From the camera . . .

*see camping photos at the top of this post

I am thankful for . . .

...whatever we are getting from the garden, for our recent camping trip, for coffee, good friends, family

I am hoping to . . .

I haven't really had time to think on this, since returning from our camping trip.  Definitely hoping to get more camping in before the end of the season.

Something fun to share . . .

The "Big City" has these robots that roam the sidewalks.  They pick up and deliver food.  How they can safely cross roads is crazy.  They just crack me up when I see them.

Prayer list . . .

Mom (her health), our country (our rights, what a mess),  Daughter K (overwhelmed, dehydrated)


  1. Looks like a wonderful weekend at the campground. You need to ressource with all you do around the homestead.
    Hope your daughter feels better
    Have a great week

  2. Luludou, the doctor told her she was "severely" dehydrated. They told her to just drink lots of water.

  3. Hope your daughter is doing better now and drinking more water. Looks like you had a wonderful camping trip. Hope you have a great week!


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