Thursday, September 16, 2021

Dehydrating ~ Tomato Season Ends ~ Seed Saving

 The storms are over, so the dehydrator was back at it.

Rosemary made it's way into it first.  Once that was ready to come out, trays were cooled and washed.

Cayenne peppers made there way in next.  

Tomato season is officially over.  I am freezing what I have left.  Sort of a sad tomato year, but thankful for what we did get.

My layers are slowing down in egg production, which has me thinking of water-glassing them again for long storage.

Seed saving continues, and I feel it is very important to do, especially this year with how things are going with our food system.

The insurance company has attempted to deliver my Mom's 14 free meals 4-5 times now.  So far, nothing has arrived (other than the first shipment with warm rotten food).

Woke up to 55°F this morning.  I'm pretty sure the hot pepper season may be coming to an end.  I guess we'll see.  We better start stocking up on firewood.


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