Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Organizing my Yarn and other ramblings

 The first thing I needed to do was bake a breakfast for us.

I used the teeny tomatoes from the garden, asparagus and fresh basil for this one.  Oh, and sausage on the bottom layer.

Next?  I put up shelves upstairs and started the process of moving totes of yarn and getting that organized.  It may be a week long job (or more due to carpet cleaning, which we do plan to replace when the last kid is out), but so excited to get started.

. . . meanwhile, in the garden.

We finally got some glorious rain, so I sure hope it gives the garden what it needs to give us a bounty this summer.

My husband, Daughter K and myself went to the last day of the fair to watch the demolition derby.  We had 4 family/friends in the derby this year.  The best part is we bought pit passes and drove the truck right into the arena area and sat on the tool box to watch.  We didn't have to sit in the crowded stadium.  It was great.  My husband's Godson won 1st place and $650, our nephew won 2nd and another nephew won 3rd.  Great night.

We woke up to thunderstorms, so I am very thankful for the rain again.  It'll taper off, but it may rain later in the afternoon.  The gardens are happy.


  1. Just ventured into our Big Lots and there are quite a few storage bins available, as well as those plastic stacked drawers.

    Hopefully, you've come across some for your "new room!"

  2. We are getting a bit of rain as well and it is doing wonders in the garden.

    God bless.

  3. Mother Em, I will definitely check there. Thank you.

  4. Jackie, rain continues here, so I sure hope we both have some garden bounty.


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