Wednesday, August 18, 2021

More Squash ~ Crazy World and No Cashiers at Wal-mart and other Tidbits

My husband brought home more yellow squash and zucchini.  So happy to get it, so  I'm blanching and freezing almost daily.  The hot peppers are rolling in daily too.

I've been pretty good at keeping my cell phone charged and on me.  Mom's blood pressure dipped and when she couldn't get ahold of any of us kids, she went into panic mode.  I'm making sure she has all are cell numbers in case she has to call from her house phone.  Last time I called, she was feeling a bit better. (I drafted this post before the event at the end of this post happened)

I had to order new shelves online.  The stores are pretty limited (again).  Daughter K could not even get them at her store.  I have more totes of yarn waiting to be moved upstairs.

Not sure what's going on in your neck of the woods, but here it's back to restaurants going curbside.  Meanwhile this coming weekend the National Tractor Pulls is happening with thousands of people gathering from all over.  I'm not sure if the Canadians will be there, but it's crazy.  I have a bad feeling the gathering will be a super spreader and that is not good.  There are fairs still going on in our area as well, and a big street event in the "Big City" next month.  

Daughter E went to the local Wal-mart and bought a lot of stuff for her apartment.  She said every single cashier manned check out was closed.  Everyone had to use the self-check out.  She was not happy, because her cart was very full.  Crazy times we are in.

We have a few more camping trips booked, but we are monitoring the parks to see if they close.

I've decided to make a 3rd batch of Four Thieves.  Just in case, as my husband reminded me.  At least I have two and not three people here working full time.

We had plans to take a longer motorcycle ride for dinner, and at the last minute changed plans for a much shorter one.  Thank goodness we did.

Mom called (and had we taken the longer ride, I would not have answered my cell phone) and we had to run up and take her to the ER.  They admitted her.  Three doctors (Heart, Kidney and Endocrinologist, for thyroid) will be called in this morning to access what she needs. 

We were there for almost 4 hours and got home very late. We are running on 5 hours of sleep (or less).  Please keep her in your prayers, send good mojo and good thoughts.  Please keep my husband and I in your prayers as we are running on no sleep and he had to work today.  We are running on zero energy and sleep and feel like zombies today.

We both literally left the house to get her wearing slippers.  We went out the door that quick.  When we got home around 11:30pm, I saw that my chickens were still out in the run.  Gonna be a long day.


  1. So sorry for this turn of events! But seems that all of you were protected that you were available for her. We are in a similar situation - getting Hubby's 87 year old parents moved into a nursing home It is difficult being here in another state from our home with its own needs/concerns, but we are where we need to be. Prayers for you and your mom!

  2. So sorry about your mom. Hopefully, the drs can get her back on the right track.


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