Friday, August 20, 2021

Lost Recipe (again) ~ First Bell Pepper

I found a recipe I lost once, but lost it again before trying it.  Urgh.  All I can remember is that it contained tomatoes, was baked and had kelp powder in the recipe.  I swear I had it in a recipe book I had, but so far I have not found it (again).  Story of my life, ha ha!  

I have gone through the pile of un-tried recipes, my scanned recipes, recipes in my document folder etc.  However, I believe I have figured out what cookbook the recipe was in.  Stay tuned.  Hope I am right.

Brought in our first harvested bell pepper.  Golly, I love the smell of freshly sliced bell pepper.  I grew them from seed as well.  First one to go in the freezer.

No rain here for a few days.  Hot and humid again.

Mom is still in the hospital.  No changes since Wednesday.  She will be going home today if all goes okay.

Daughter E left a lot of boxes, so I spent much time breaking them down for the garden and recycling.  Much of my day was reclaiming the kitchen. My husband and I were like sloths Wednesday due to being at the hospital so late and then back up early of course.  It pretty much caused me to delay much kitchen work until Thursday.

I hope everyone is safe and healthy right now. There are two cases of the virus at my husband's work (one was vaccinated, not sure who the other person is).

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