Monday, August 30, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

We had a superb weekend on the island.  Our last sanity saver trip over this year.  Maybe. If they have an opening, I'm taking it.  We were literally off grid.  There is no service where we stay, and we like it that way.

On the way home we stopped at a large produce stand and brought home some green and wax beans.  I will be stopping there every year we head to the island from now on.  They have a large variety of everything.

Came home to find out one of my chickens died.  

We literally unpacked the truck, threw everything on the bed and kitchen counters, ran out to pick a tomato, and headed to the "Big City" to check on Mom.  We took her some chocolates a woman makes on the island, one tomato (only one turning red that was a beefsteak type), and some popcorn she loves.

Mom looks much better, but has a long way to go to recovery.  She still cannot drive herself anywhere, so between our Daughter K, her neighbor, my younger brother and I, we are trying to do our best, but we all have jobs/work/kids/garden to put up etc.  It's been rough, so hence the trip to the island.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I'll link up if my brain remembers to.

The weather . . .
Hot and humid.  No rain in sight.

Right now I am . . .
Dragging my feet trying to get the day started

Thinking . . .
I wanna go back to the island. There is too much going on here, and too much needing done.

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV . . .

On the menu . . .
Have no idea.  Just got back from a weekend vacation.

On my to-do list . . .
-put away dishes (life with a lazy young adult kid)
-run dishwasher
-pick garden
-water all gardens
-clean entire kitchen
-label and put away canned items
-unpack from the trip
-sweep and mop
-clean out fridge (may be a week long job)
-clean green beans and blanch and freeze
-water house plants
-clean bedroom(yikes!)
-water porch plants
-dehydrate some herbs
-the. list. is. endless....

In the craft basket . . .
Winter hats.  I'll post a picture later when it's light out. Maybe even tomorrow if my brain remembers.

Looking forward to this week . . .
A clean house???

Looking around the house . . .
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!  Ugh.

From the camera . . .
A photo while driving the golf cart on the north side of the island.

Prayer list . . .
Mom.  Right now there are no other special requests.


  1. Glad you were able to take a vacation and get a little break. The view of the trees on your island is beautiful. Hope you have a great week!

  2. I'm glad you have that gateaway place on the Island. It is a good place to 'ressource'.
    Sending positive thoughts for your mom

  3. Thanks Luludou, the island is a retreat for sure.


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