Monday, August 2, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


It's been a whirlwind of a weekend, although we got our 2nd camping trip squeezed in.  I'll have the full report on that tomorrow ha ha.  Oh boy it's too much to fit into today's post.  It's not just about camping, but the entire weekend, returning home and stuff I just can't make up.

However I have photos down below for you all.

By the way, blogger is still not working correctly for me.  My reading list is zero.  It keeps telling me no posts to read at all, and it's frustrating.  I have found a way to search for your blogs one at a time, but it's easier for me if you comment. Then I can click on your blog (if you have one) and read updates.  Hopefully they will fix it soon.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I'll link up when she posts.

The weather . . . 

Absolutely gorgeous!!  What I call perfect camping weather.  In the 70's and so nice out.  

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Well, rested yet exhausted and feeling grimy.  Read tomorrow's post to find out why ha ha!

On the breakfast plate . . .

Coffee so far, ha ha!  Most likely a few eggs and toast. 

Looking around the house. . . 

What a mess!  Daughter K worked long shifts so nothing was done, and she put all her dirty dishes in the sink vs. the dishwasher.  It'll be a long day cleaning up everything.

On my reading pile . . .

A campground magazine that contains all of the campground in our state.

On my TV . . .

Nothing in particular.  However, today after I clean, I plan to have some down time watching cooking shows and doing some handiwork.

On the menu . . .

-fried cabbage, buttermilk cornbread
-grilled philly's
-possibly chickpea stuffed shells
-hummus (a meal on it's own and perfect for very hot days)

From the camera . . .
Herb garden at the campground for anyone to use for cooking.  I thought this was pretty neat, considering I love foil pack campfire beets with fresh rosemary.  

Just a few photos of our camping trip.   We had to go to Wal-mart and buy a grill cover for the campfire ring.  All campfire rings did not have a grill grate on them to do any campfire cooking.

I am thankful for . . .
Music.  I love to have the radio playing while cleaning the house.

I am hoping to . . .
Get some more camping trips planned.

Prayer list . . .
Niece A, who is pregnant and nearly passed out for some reason yesterday and niece L who was in a single car accident near our house (while we were gone), totaled her car, but is okay.


  1. Looks like a great trip and love the herb garden. Enjoy your week

  2. Lisa, it was the first time I have ever seen an herb garden at a campground and a genius idea for campers.


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