Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Garden ~ Cleaning and other Tidbits

I'm back back to gardening, weeding, and indoor clean up.  We haven't had rain, so my week started with watering everything before indoor cleaning started.

The weather has been a beautiful fall like weather.  Cool mornings and gorgeous evenings.  We went on a bike ride last night with two other bikers and I slept like a baby last night.  

However, we may be heading into very hot weather again.

More blooms to share.

I finally had some ripe blackberries to pick.

The egg basket filled up over last weekend, so I may be putting some aside to boil again.

My husband fixed the problem with the camper hot water heater.  Big hooh-rah to that!  I tried to get us a campsite for another park this month.  They are booked solid (as most are this year).

Our hometown fair is in full swing.  First time in two years.  I am so happy to see it happening.  Not sure if we will actually get to go, but happy it's going on this year.

I'm still unable to view my blogger reading list. I sent a message for help on this.  We'll see if they can fix the issue soon.


  1. Glad were my Moms favorite flower so I planted a great many, thinking of course that I would get a mix of colours. Needless to say all are coming up a peach colour. Love yours.

    God bless.

  2. Thanks Jackie, I bought a mix of bulbs this year. Last year, we planted but got zero blooms or growth due to a very bad drought year.


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