Thursday, July 15, 2021

Rain ~ Garden


How most days have been lately.  Rain.

It's been nice not having to water, and all is doing great other than the rabbits eating my sweet potato tops off.  The weeds are out of control.  We need some dry days so I can get in it and weed.  Oddly, it looks like it could rain this morning, and when I checked the forecast it said high of 89 degrees and sun all day.  Hm.  I guess I will find out soon enough this morning.  It's been very humid here too.

We are once again having problems with our internet.  We had to call and have them "ping" our address (again).  Now my husband wants to look into Dish.  The only other option out here in the country, but we'll see how the rest of the week is.


  1. You have the greenest thumb and can grow anything! I admire your gardening skills! We had internet problems this week too hoping for better service out here in the country for you and for me. I love the rain showers anyway but when they can do the watering for me it is even more wonderful!

  2. Dolly, thank you. We don't have rain barrels set out by the gardens, so I have to haul a 200 ft garden hose. I have to pull it all back in for the mowing, so I am glad for the rain doing the watering too.

  3. Sounds like our weather, we seem to have had rain for days. Thankfully we have had a reprieve for the last few days but the temperatures are sadly trailing far behind the mainland.

  4. mamasmercantile, it looks like more rain for us this weekend.


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