Monday, July 19, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

My husband had to work all weekend, but we managed to get to the gathering regarding the loss of one daughter's boyfriend a year ago.  Oh my, we love those families/friends.  It was a good turn out, including classmates of his and daughter E's.  So many good laughs and good times and even tears, but so thankful we all got together.

Something I learned (although some of you may already know this). . .

I have never cooked with flank steak before (believe it or not).  I bought some last week and sliced it and grilled it for philly's sandwiches.  What did I learn?  Well, I was watching America's Test Kitchen (love that show) and watched them prepare a recipe using flank steak.

What did I learn?  I learned it has little fat and you must pound it before cooking, to tenderize it.  I literally did not know this until I watched the show.  

I will be buying flank steak again and giving it a try the right way. Ha ha!  It always makes me excited to cook when I learn something new.

I made a double batch of homemade taco seasoning.

I made a comfrey salve.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The weather outside is  . . .

86°F/66°F, sunny

Heating up and we are finally drying out!  

How I am feeling . . .

Rested.  Ready to take on the week.  

On the breakfast plate . . .

Coconut flour waffles, bacon, coffee

Looking around the house . . .

I have some boxes I need to take upstairs for Daughter E, for her big move coming up, but the kitchen is almost pristine.  I spent quite a bit of time cleaning yesterday while my husband worked (really stinks because weather was great on Sunday for outdoor work, bike ride, cards on the porch).

On my reading pile . . .

Nothing last week.

On  my TV . . .

Finally finished the entire season of Heartland.  Ending wasn't exciting either.

On the menu . . .

-Baked walleye, steamed broccoli
-Meatballs with homemade teriyaki sauce, asparagus
-something on the grill 
-have no idea

From the camera. . . 

The rain brought us some new blooms, and one glady finally bloomed.

I am thankful for . . .
A few dry days to allow the garden to recover, and give me time to do more weeding (not to mention get the grass mowed). I had more handiwork time over the weekend, which was a nice change (everything outside this weekend was soaked and road still flooded).

I am hoping to . . .
Get to the "Big City" to get errands done this week.  Maybe.  Nothing I need is an emergency, but needed.  The list is growing.

On my prayer list . . .
No personal requests, this country could always use prayer though.


  1. Yes….our country needs prayer!
    You always inspire me to get going! I woke up at 4:10 snd tossed and turned til 5:30, so I got up and prepped two sewing projects. I’ve got red beans and smoked sausage in the crockpot. Hubby harvested over 100 lbs of potatoes, so I’ve been researching canning potatoes. Wish me luck! We got a good soaking of rain last night, so he won’t be picking corn as he had planned. He can help me can potatoes, instead! 😆

  2. Oh, M. Meyers, canned potatoes are so easy and so handy! Good for potato salad, pot pies, soups, scalloped, fried and they even make a decent mashed potato if drained, rinsed and boiled once again in fresh water. And they keep for years on the shelf. Give it a try, I think you will be happy with it. :-)

  3. I love that show also but flank steak is hard to come by here. Your flowers are lovely.

  4. What beautiful flowers! Reading your post reminds me I need to get out and water my flowers tonight. Hope you have a great week!

  5. So glad the memorial gathering went well, it can't have been easy.

  6. M.Meyers I canned potatoes one year and they did well. I borrowed a pressure canner but now I have one.

  7. mamasmercantile, it was so nice to see everyone, but we had to leave early since my husband had to work in the morning.

  8. Comfrey salve, how nice and useful.

    Have a great end of the week


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