Thursday, July 22, 2021

Busy Day

Yesterday I had more laundry than anticipated, so the clothesline was working over time.

Hot peppers are doing great again this year, but darn it all, the rabbits are killing my greens and beets.  I'm so frustrated this year. Oh, the cayenne must only be working to deter the snakes, not the rabbits.  I put two more flood lights out there now, but need about 3 more.  I chased off 3 deer the other morning too.

The first year to see wild grapes growing.

My mad hatters are getting big and plants are loaded.

The ladies are happy with their nicely cleaned up coop.  Yes, they need a new ramp, but it's not high on the list since we plan to build a new one for them.  By evening they had kicked half their straw out the door.

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