Friday, June 25, 2021

I'm Back! ~ Foraging ~ Improvise

I'm back!  I have discovered how much I can get weeded when we have no internet, ha ha!  Woke up to no internet on Wednesday morning.  Five phone calls later we were in town getting a new modem, only to come home and not have internet.  Again.  

I got a text message yesterday that said "your system was restored etc."  It was not.  Ten minutes later I get a phone call to make an appt. for this coming Sat.  Last night the dogs alerted us and we find our internet provider in our driveway.  Hubby ran out to see what was going on.  He said something happened with their "system" and it sent a power surge to many homes knocking out their internet (hm?).  He was sending a ping to the modem.  Internet is back on finally.

Got another text message.  It was correct this time, and to reply to cancel our Sat. appt.  Sigh.  Anyway, glad it's back on, but it made me realize that if we all went out, our quick and easy communication system is back to the old fashioned way.

My muscles are aching, but most from weeding.  I have more of course to do, but it rained last night.  My hands are so dry, but happy to get so much done in a few days.

So....what did I get done while I had no internet?  Updated my garden journal, my book reading journal, and my book quote journal (a journal I keep to write quotes from books that are inspirational to me). I update my recipe book (I write down any recipe I throw together that works great).  I made a chicken chili with home canned sauce and it was delicious.  I also whipped up some canned peas (sharing soon).  I got inside cleaning done, but mostly garden work, although it was hot, hot, hot.  I worked on crochet work, and we got a short motorcycle ride in.  The rest of the weekend forecast is rain.

Thanks to the rain, I've been picking wild black raspberries, and our berry bushes look great.

On our trip to the "Big City" to exchange our dinosaur of a modem for a new one, we noticed a few things.  More restaurants closed (lack of employees or lack of product), and our grocery store gas station was out of gas (and had been for 3 days we were told).

In a conversation last night, Hubby said he's ready to clear the cement slab in preparation of building the new coop.  I'll let you know if that happens, ha ha ha ha ha!

We all got a chuckle.  Yes he did.  When parts are hard to find and you can't borrow a mower you improvise (gas can for a mower) .  It works too, ha ha!  I have lots to write, but will save it for another day.  I'm just glad to be back to writing this blog.  Boy did I miss it.


  1. I kept checking for a post, praying nothing catastrophic had happened. But hey! No Internet?! Fairly catastrophic! Great job on all the projects!

  2. M. Meyers, I was so frustrated the first day the internet was out. I can't post from my cell phone using 4G either. My google account on my phone isn't linked to the email on my blogger. Anyway, we are all tickled pink we have it back. Yes, I got lots of weeding done thankfully.

  3. DH was talking to cashier at local convenience store - apparently the chain is having trouble finding enough drivers for the gas deliveries, not that the gas itself is in short supply. I'm done with the first pass of weeding, now it's back to start all over where I started this spring, hopefully before things get too overgrown again. I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets lots more done when the internet isn't available!

  4. Last Autumn we where out for almost a week and went crazy without it but gots lots done. My Computer crashed but hopefully will be up tomorrow. Good luck on the coop.

  5. JustGail, I kind of figured it was lack of employees. Yeah, I have one more flower bed to weed.

  6. Thanks Lisa, I surely hope we get it done. I would like to also raise meat birds next spring.

  7. I know the feeling of no internet well, lets hope all is well now.

  8. mamasmercantile, it's slow but our only source for internet out where we live.


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