Monday, June 21, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

We had a very muggy and hot weekend.  The humidity was so thick you felt like you were swimming in the air.  

We attended our grand niece's graduation party.  So proud of her.  She's about the same age as Daughter E.  She has 2 jobs, bought her own car, and has bought her own trailer to live it.  Most kids her age are living on unemployment these days.  Oh, and she graduated with honors, just like Daughter E did.

(hubby took a photo just after slicing he was so happy to get a blueberry pie)

Anyway, about the only other thing I got done, was bake a blueberry pie (didn't get that crust pinched together though) for my husband for Father's Day.  He was overjoyed.  It was completely spontaneous too.

Father's day was just us two.  It was also my first Father's Day without my Dad. The girls had to work and the others kids made no contact, so we took off on a motorcycle ride.  I thought it would be hard to get into a place to eat due to it being Father's Day, but that wasn't the case.  

It was difficult to find a place due to lack of employees.  First place had a long wait time, second place was closed, third place we got right in.  However, outside bar and seating closed and a slim staff.  I heard one guy tell a customer that they couldn't get anyone to work.  Even the cook was serving and seating people.  So sad.

Oh, and prices are up.  

This was posted at our table.  It's happening everywhere.  They can't get what they need, and when they do it costs double or more for them to get it.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

(will link up when she posts)

The weather . . .

78°F/48°F, Thunderstorms this morning so far, and so glad to get the rain.  We needed the humidity gone, and the gardens watered.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

A little overwhelmed with chores, but ...

On the breakfast plate . . .

A breakfast casserole - sausage, yellow squash, shallot, eggs and green onion.  Oh and some fire powder in it.

On my reading pile . . .

I finished reading this book, and it was so worth buying.  If you didn't see my post, I finished it in 3 days.  A record for me.  It was that good.

I'll be picking up another book I never finished.  Apparently, I have more than one to choose from.

On my TV . . .

Heartland ( I think we are in season 8)

On the menu . . .

-chicken chili
-baked walleye, steamed broccoli
-BBQ Pork chops, roasted brussel sprouts
-tuna/noodle, mashed tades and corn

On my to-do list . . .

-tidy up bedroom
-sweep/mop kitchen
-clean master bath
-bake a breakfast dish

What I am crocheting, knitting, sewing or creating . . .

Honestly nothing the last few days.  I spent my free time reading this past week.  Hopefully the rainy days will give me more time to pick up a hook.

Looking around the house . . .

(see to-do list)

To relax I will . . .


From the camera . . .

(see previous post for flower photos)

Something fun to share . . .

The only thing I can come up with for this prompt, is that I'll be dehydrating something new.  Stay tuned.

On my prayer list . . .

11 year-old Annabelle, Daughter E, personal requests, for the judge to rule in favor of keeping the pipeline open that runs thru MI to a state oil refinery.  If they shut it down, it will end thousands of jobs and really hurt the economy.


  1. Cant wait to see whats in dehydraor. My latest was dog treats for Blue. Have a fun and safe week.

  2. Lisa, how fun! Dog treats! It's nothing fancy, but something new to dehydrate.

  3. Had to go to 3 restaurants Saturday, the others had closed during pandemia :(
    Blueberry pie sure looks good. Congrats to your grand-niece.

    Have a great week

  4. Prices are rising here too. Sadly once they rise they never come back down again. Apparently due to shortages, which is a worry.

  5. Thank you Luludou, the pie is delicious. We bake the recipe on King Arthur flour's website.

  6. mamasmercantile, true. Everything was shut down for too long and that is causing the shortages as well as the fact in our state, no one wants to work and continues to stay on unemployment.

  7. The prices are crazy, we are dealing with high prices here too, and it's painful going to the grocery store. The meat especially is the worst. I pray this all gets back to normal soon.

    Your pie looks delicious, and I'm sure it was too.

    Hope you have a blessed week.

  8. Sandra, I'm glad you planted a garden, but now wish I had not cut it back so much. Thanks.

  9. That pie looks yummy! I'll have to flip back and see your flower pictures. Hope you have a great rest of your week!


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