Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Garlic and other gardening


Two varieties and they are all pulled from the grow bags.  Some roots where 6-7 inches long.  Just need to top off the grow bags with more soil and put new cardboard under the bags.  

I tied up almost all of the tomato plants, and some already re-tied do to good growth.  Some tomatoes are already on the plants.

It was too hot and humid to stay out in the garden, even though there is one more flower bed to weed.  I managed to plant two parsley plants and one more rosemary.  One rosemary died for some reason, and it's getting watered.

I was walking on a small sidewalk we made between two flower beds, and I almost stepped on a slithering snake.  In my flip flops.  I am sure anyone driving by, got a kick out of my dance in the yard trying to avoid it.


  1. WOW, you are a super mum. Found yr blog and it is interesting to read how you manage the family, meals and activities. Your garlic plants look good, i am sorry to say i buy mine from the supermarket!! Although I have ginger and shallots, chillies and some vegetables. My tomatoes fruit but never reach an edible size and they are green. From Malaysia

  2. The garlic looks amazing, well done. I have a picture of your dance in my mind which is making me smile. Glad you are alright!

  3. kestrel, thank you. We fry green tomatoes when we have them, but we mostly use them fully ripe and red.


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