Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Tuesday Tidbits


Here is the fan box the fan came in, that I bought for the camper.  I think I got it on Amazon.

I knocked a lot off the to-do list yesterday.  Planted a flat of snapdragons and 3 lavender plants.  Planted a few more marigolds.  Dropped zinnia, calendula, basil, thyme, cilantro, and parsley seeds.

The hot weather returns today.  We will get up to the 90's and last night we got more tilling done, however the belt on the tiller broke.  Lovely.

I had planned to give myself crochet time yesterday, but I ended up searching for a pattern (something for my Mom) until dinner prep time.


  1. Searching for patterns, I always end up finding something else for the hook. Hot and Sunny here my maters are loving this. Lavender is blooming, and even the pink lavender came back this year albeit small, but it has one flower on it.

  2. I sent the info to my friend about the fan, thanks for the pic of the box!

  3. Faith, yes! I found a few more patterns to try out, so funny. I'm thankful for the rain we are getting now. I have a bright pink carnation that didn't fully come back, and I'm hoping the rain will bring it back to life.


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