Thursday, May 13, 2021

This and That

I went to book a camping trip, and wow!  They are booked solid for the next two months (one of our favorite ones).  Already.  I will have to book late summer now, but still going camping.  We did not get to go camping at all last year. Needless to say our first camping trip is now booked.  I'm tempted to book a fall one right now too, as everyone is getting out this year.

On another note.  A very disturbing note.  The Gov. of MI is demanding a pipeline shut down that runs from Canada thru MI.  If this happens my husband will be out of a job.  I'm so frustrated with how this country is operating right now.  It will put thousands more out of jobs. Not to mention threaten the economy once again.  We've had enough.

On a good note, the weather is finally warming up and the frost warnings are coming to an end.  Tilling the garden begins, and I will finally (finally) get planting started.  It feels like it's been a long wait this spring.  I will start hardening my plants this weekend.

I have started weeding out the flower beds, and I am hoping to be done by Sunday.  I have a lot to weed, and thought "do I have too many flower beds?" as I was weeding.  Well, I'm keeping them all the same, but boy it seems like a lot to me.  Flowers are slim pickin's too. 

The wild black raspberry plants are already getting their blossoms.

I have lots of things on my hooks right now. I am still working on the cardigan (husband was right with that project).  I plan on getting some pictures soon.  I finished Daughter T's hot pads, but forgot to get a photo before I gifted them to her.


  1. What kind of camping do you do rv/camper/cabin/tent? Scary to think of your husband to be out of work!

  2. Chasity, I posted a picture of our camper in this post. We plan on selling it in the future and getting a hard sided one. It sleeps 6 and the kids never go camping with us anymore. We love to camp though.

    1. We haven't done any camping since the kids were younger, then we used tents. I'm sure it would be fun to have a camper!

  3. Chasity, my husband and I love going camping. Depending on where, we can hike, ride bikes, swim, play cards, cook all our meals over the campfire. It's just so peaceful and relaxing.


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