Monday, May 10, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

 We had another fantastic weekend (birthdays/Mother's Day) getaway.  Why not.  We are doing much more travel this year.  We went to Amish country.  We really didn't have anything in mind, other than re-stock some organic/non-gmo items, pick up some cheeses, and maybe dine at the brewery.  You'd think they would have a big yarn store in that area, but they do not. They do have a fabric outlet.  Anyway, it was our first trip in 2 years.

The menu was changed at one of the restaurants we love to go to, and they took our favorite meal off of it.  

We came home to 37°F, snow and thunder.  What a messy day, but Mother's Day overall was nice.  We delivered flowers, 6 bottles of wine, chocolate, and a travel tote bag to my Mom's.

Came home to gifts and flowers from the girls.

Good thing I checked the rhubarb before we left.  I had to cut those blooms off.  I will however, need to cover it again for the next few days, as we dip into the low 30's (ugh).

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I will link up when she posts this morning.

The weather outside is . . .
58°F/37°F, cold

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Rejuvenated.  Ready to take on the day, but will try and relax.

On the breakfast plate .  .  .

I have no idea yet.  I need to bake something for the next few days.

On my reading pile . . .

I bought this book at the flea market over the weekend.  I met the author too.  It's her life story growing up and leaving Vietnam.  I'll let you know if it's good or not.

On my TV . . .

Whatever we find on Netflix

On the menu this week . . .

-baked mac' n cheese, green beans

-walleye (locally caught and gifted to us)

-have no idea. . . .will check the freezer/pantry later today

From the camera  . . .

Something new in Berlin.  We got this for dinner one night and took it to the hotel.  A local guy was in line just to buy their BBQ sauces.  

Traffic is always crazy in Berlin.  They don't have a light here, and so often they have an officer there to stop traffic and let people in and out.

Looking around the house . . .

One daughter actually cleaned up the living room while we were gone, but she did not do the dishes (no surprise there).

To relax this week, I will . . . 

Read or crochet

Something I want to share . . .

Our hotel actually had a breakfast this time.  It was not a brown bag breakfast, but biscuits and gravy, waffles, boiled eggs, etc.  The only thing they didn't bring back yet, was the scrambled eggs and bacon/sausage.

Devotional, Inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse . . .


  1. We’re exploring your state checking off Bucket List items: presidential homes! Garfield’s was closed but we toured the museum. Rutherford Hayes home WAS open and we were only ones in tour. Now we’re in Indiana checking out both Harrison homes. These two states are lovely and I’m drooling over all the big Ol’ white farmhouses!

  2. We’re exploring your state checking off Bucket List items: presidential homes! Garfield’s was closed but we toured the museum. Rutherford Hayes home WAS open and we were only ones in tour. Now we’re in Indiana checking out both Harrison homes. These two states are lovely and I’m drooling over all the big Ol’ white farmhouses!

  3. I like the quote, ain't it the truth! So glad you got to have a trip and that you came back to a clean LR (let's not talk about the dishes ;) ) Can't wait to read the review o the book. Have a great week

  4. Hi Kristina, sounds like a fun weekend! I have never heard on anyone covering rhubarb. We have temps in the low 30s and upper 20s still (most mornings) and never cover it. Made a pie for my son's birthday. Maybe experiment with not covering a small plan and see.

  5. Sounds like you had a nice trip and Mother's Day weekend despite the crazy weather. It's just a bit chilly here, thankfully, no snow! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. M.Myers, so glad to hear you are having fun! Enjoy!

  7. Debby, here if I don't cover it, and the leaves later wilt, I have to cut them off sadly. So far, it's doing great this year.

  8. Jean, thanks. Mother's day weather was super crazy here. It's starting to warm up and hopefully I can get in the garden this week.

  9. Berlin is a hot mess, especially on the weekend. We've been going for years and years, it just gets more congested. I hit the same stores only a few everytime. We stay overnight now it's less stressful. No yarn anywhere there..fabric galore I guess the Amish don't crochet? Up here in the north, in suburbia there are plenty of placed to buy yarn, finding what you want is a different animal. I am ordering yarn alot more now, I buy occasionally at the store. Ever eat at Boyd & Werther? Good food, local place, always busy. Not fancy, we like it, but you have to wait to get in. The antique mall is nice, one of my places stop. I don't like all the traffic.

  10. Faith, yes we've eaten at Boyd and W, but like you said you have to wait in line. We love the food at the Berlin Farmstead, but the took chicken stir fry off their menu. We also like the Old World Bakery (Bistro) right where I took that traffic photo (by the leather store antique mall and craft mall. The sandwiches are good, but they changed the batter on the onion rings. We typically shop both flea markets, but it's been the same ol' same ol'. I sort of want to find new places to go now. I do like visiting there, but I may look into some other areas to go next. We are really enjoying our travels this year.

  11. Glad you had a great trip and a wonderful Mother's Day. I need to plant rhubarb, it's something I have yet to try and grow myself.

    Our weather has been so crazy. High 90s one day, then 50s the next. Wish it would just pick one and stick with it.

    Have a blessed week,

  12. Thanks Sandra, it was a fun and relaxing trip. We are finally getting out of the frost warning weather. Sheesh.


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