Saturday, May 15, 2021

Gardens and other random bits

Our night temperatures are finally going to be in the 50's so flower planting has started.  There is much to do to prepare the vegetable garden this weekend.  I got all of these planted, plus 20 glady bulbs.  I weeded the mailbox flower bed and will resume finishing up on the herb garden.

If you don't see a post, it's because we will be very busy out there.  Rain is coming and lots of it, which will make it too wet to work in, but the perfect time to get seeds in the ground.  However, we didn't get my raised bed built, so we plan to dig through the old barn rubble and see if we can use that wood first.

The mower belt took a poo, so we had to go pick one up last night before we could mow. We hired someone to do the mowing, but that was short lived.  He doesn't own an phone and we communicate through someone to get the message to him.  He was a no show.  Too bad too, because we both could have been out prepping the vegetable garden.


  1. Those flowers are so pretty! Sounds like you've been busy!

  2. You have been a busy beaver! The flowers are pretty! We need rain here. It always seems that it's hard to get people to work, why I'm not sure. xo

  3. Chasity, thanks and yes. Busy but in a good way.

  4. linnelnickerson, thanks. I was lucky to be out and about when I found those flowers.

  5. Have fun in the dirt - I love when we are finally able to get out and dig.
    Also, no-shows really get my goat! I don't really have a goat, but they sure get it!

  6. Lady Locust, thanks, it was nice to get outside, but now my indoor work is behind ha ha ha!


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