Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Signs of Spring



Lilacs are on.



Bleeding heart.

So many signs of spring, but I'll be digging out the old sheets to cover during these next few days.  The daffodils and hyacinths are about done for the season, but will need to cover the asparagus, rhubarb and everything pictured in this post too.  Oh, and my green onions.

I went out to pick asparagus for dinner (finally have enough for a meal), I saw that some Russian kale and some collards were up.  Yummy!


  1. Your plants are looking great! Ours are just starting to show up. I picked all my daffodils this morning because we are supposed to get "up to" six inches of snow tomorrow. Ugh...

  2. Debi, I have been brining in mine too. Might as well enjoy them inside.


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