Saturday, April 24, 2021

Random Tidbits

Something I just realized - you can't click on "draft" any more on the blog.  You know, how you click on "posts" or other ones?  You have to go search for them.  Frustrating.  Anyway...

Daughter E is once again looking for an apt.  Sort of sad my baby is looking to get her own place, but I'm working on filling a laundry basket with goodies for her apt. warming gift.  This however, puts a halt to working on the cardigan and other projects.  

I am looking into a large vendor show in Sept.  It may be all outside. 

Speaking of projects I have tried two new crochet patterns and will be adding these to the fall sale.

Thin blue line beanies (to show support for our police officers, my younger brother is one of them) and pizza pan hot pads (or any large round dish).  I'll get a picture of the round hot pad soon.

I finally uncovered everything that I covered due to snow and a freeze.  Looks like we'll get up to the 80's next week.

I was out to buy chicken feed and almost (almost) came home with 6 new baby chicks.  Oh my!  Lavender Orpingtons.  So beautiful.  I talked myself out of it until the new coop is built.

I got some spring cleaning done in the kitchen, but more needs done.  Then I move back to the bedroom and reorganize what I can.  It's time to spruce up some things.


  1. We are supposed to get to the 80s next week as well, I can't wait!

  2. My son has been threatening to move out he's 25. We are gathering things for him too. Eventually he will when he has all the ducks in a row. For now my 19 year is staying put. Lavender Orpintons...I just heard about these myself...oh they are pretty. I like the Buff orpingtons. If I had a coop, this would be my choice. I like the blue lives matter hat. I hope you sell all you've got, more support for the police is necessary, I think there is a swell of movement coming with this to counteract the kapernic theory. How about that snow we had? I hope it is the last of it, I'm ready and my tomatoe plant are ready to go outsid.

  3. Chasity, 83 degrees for two days this week. Yay!

  4. Faith, we generally plant the garden after Mother's day to avoid a frost, but we had one late May one year and I lost almost the entire garden. I am looking forward to the warmer weather.


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