Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Nothing much....


There is literally nothing much going on this week.  I spent most of yesterday outside.  The weather got up to the 80's!  Woohoo to that.  While I took time to crochet on the porch, this beautiful bird came for a visit.  When it flies, the blue wings are so beautiful!  I did some research, and I think it may be a bluebird.  Does anyone know? Just curious.

We are still enjoying leftovers for dinner.  Today will finish the all up though (Daughter K is taking them to work for her dinner).  I made a breakfast casserole yesterday, but have no idea what to do for dinner.  Maybe grill out since the weather is nice again, with rain moving in later this evening.

Although it's tempting to start weeding flower beds and such, I do think it's a bit early yet.  If the temps drop, the leaves give my herb garden protection.  My green onions are looking pretty good right now.

I received on order for two dish scrubbers.  I haven't used the pattern (different one) in so long, so that's on the to-do list today. Hopefully I can find the pattern.  I have already found the yarn used for this scrubber.

I'll admit, I've been lazy this week, but the list writing needs done.  I should be getting up to town and getting paint to paint the hallway doors in this wonderful weather.

Daughter K said she went to take the dogs out and turned the light on.  There was a huge raccoon enjoying himself to the cat food.  She said, "Mom I named him Harold."  I responded, "Um, out here we don't name them."  Oh, the laughs we had.

Well, I hope your week has been good.  I haven't seen too many blogposts to read, nor haven't had that many visitors this year.  I hope you are enjoying my blog, although today's seems drawn out and nothing exciting.  Gawd it's been a rough year already, and for some reason we are all feeling more depressed than ever.  Not sure, other than the way our state is being run and feeling "enough is enough" and so forth.

I'm glad I have the crochet order, or I'd be a wallowing mess wandering around the house today.  I need to find my positive inner peace again.  


  1. Your blog is on my blog roll and I check it every day and read new posts. I thoroughly enjoy it. I used to write a blog with my daughter and her friend, so I really appreciate the work that goes into it.

  2. I think I've only commented twice but I always enjoy reading your posts!

  3. What a beautiful bird, never seen one around my neck of the woods, being city slicker ( UGH). I'm tempted to throw out some seeds, hollyhock,marigold,and zinnia. On the good news side of things Acton isn't running for senate anymore. I've been crocheting alot myself, working on an granny ripple afgan. Enjoy your porch time, it's been a long winter.

  4. Kristina, That's an Eastern Blue bird . You were right. It's been quiet around here too! People around here are starting to get back to work. This darn Pandemic has put a hold on everybody and everything. I'm retired now so don't have to worry about getting up an going to work. Did that for forty five years or more. You do more than most people do in a day. Taken care of a home and the chickens and everybody else is a full time job. Like your crochet work. I like to knit and crochet and Quilt and do jig saw puzzle. When I was little we used to do jig saw puzzles with my Mom. We didn't have a TV till 1955. I come from a family of seven children. It was wonderful growing up. My mother and father were great parents. Take care and keep doing what your doing ! Your a fantastic Cook and Baker! xo

  5. Well, I'll stop in to say hello. Read your blog every day and enjoy it.

    We had our whole yard enclosed with fencing, well, up one side even with their front porch to "hide" the junk that our neighbor young men has placed all in the front yard, side yard, in front and inside of their cute (what could have been an in-law suite), etc. One was out mowing last night and wondered just what he mowed, as there are wooden pallets all over, huge white trash bags, dead bushes, live bushes yet to be planted ...they are landscapers, but they always seem to be home. Mercy, younguns these days. And our Code Enforcement Officer in our city is a JOKE!!! Not suppose to run a business out of your home, let alone trash in front yard.

    So, I've been planting monkey grass on the outside fence facing them. Have a bit more to find and dig up to transplant to finish, then I have borders to pound in on the inside facing us. Talk about being worn out; husband, too as we have been trimming back that neighbor's back yard that is a jungle. Past renters, owners of this place never cleared out the "jungle" and have seen rats in the past when they got into garden and ate sweet potatoes.

    Have I bored you yet, but it's been 80s this week, showers I can only hope for the rest of week so we can relax and maybe do some inside work, haha. We're both in our 70s and wonder how we managed the yard work when we worked full-time. Retirement is harsh, but fun if and when we can travel.

    Have a great rest of Wednesday and a good one tomorrow.

  6. Faith, that is good to know about Acton. I sure have enjoyed my porch lately.

  7. Thank you linnellnickerson, yes it's been rough with all our restrictions too. I remember TV with black and white screen and 3 channels. So glad you are enjoying my blog.

  8. Mother Em, you are never boring. Love to hear from you. It's been in the 80's here too, but it's putting me on the porch more often. That's funny about the rain. I am actually looking forward to the rain forcing me to get some "rainy day" stuff done.


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