Friday, March 26, 2021

Seedlings ~ Newest Crochet Project


A good friend sent me tomato seeds and I started them this year vs. buying all my plants.  Daughter K did a great job watering them while we were on vacation.  A few didn't come up, but I replanted seeds and they are already up.  I just thought it was much better to try and start as much as I could myself this year.  As more and more people start to grow gardens, plants were hard to find last year (like some hot peppers I only plant a few of).

Conversation with myself:

"Do not print another recipe to try!  Do not do it!  You have a bunch all over the kitchen already!  Stop!.......too late."  Prints two more.

Now that the kitchen is almost completely "reclaimed" after things all over from the craft supply purge (which is not done yet, just halted), I will be back to trying some new recipes.  Hopefully.

(backside of the mop cover)

I crocheted a re-usable mop cover (pattern is on line with crochet crowd).  Down the road, when we have more carpet removed and more laminate, I may invest in an electric floor cleaner, but for now this works.

There are many versions of this mop cover, but I do like this one.  One end is crocheted with a split, so it's easier to put on the mop.


  1. Love the crochet mop cover and so easy to keep clean. You come up with some great ideas.

  2. Thank you mamasmercantile. If I like it and it works well, I will crochet some to sell this fall.


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