Monday, March 22, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


The weather is warming up, so outside work comes first this week.  Rain is arriving mid-week, so I'll save inside work for those days.  

I have a long to-do list, but I have much time to do it.  My husband is working 10 hour days this week....sigh...

Two stores and still no canning lids.  I found an empty box where they, at one time, had wide lids but sold out (I need regular lids).  If I can't can and can't freeze, there isn't a reason to grow a garden this year.  I could dehydrate as much as possible, but it's starting to become depressing.  I have seeds started for some, but I sure home things turn around on supplies we need.

My husband, for the first time ever, actually suggested we don't plant a garden at all this year.  Well, like I said, some seeds have been started, but we'll see if stores get more canning lids.  Much of my canning is tomato based foods.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .

70°/45 F, Sunny

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Almost feeling like I could use another vacation, ha  ha!  My husband said the same thing this morning.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no idea yet.

On my reading pile . . .


On my TV . . .

America's Test Kitchen

On the menu . . .

-salmon patties, steamed broccoli

-chicken/black bean and chili/cheese quesadillas

-smoked chicken sausages/mustard dip, roasted asparagus

-Baked chicken, peas, sweet potatoes

- Breakfast, crock pot steel cut oats

-Snacks, Kamut flake bars

Looking around the house . . .

It's a hot mess again.  We took off on a motorcycle ride Sunday, so the dishes need done, laundry done....yikes!

Something I want to share . . .

I have nothing today.

Devotional, Inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse . . .

No prayers requests at this time.


  1. I had the same issue finding canning lids last year. There were none to be found locally so I ended up buying them online. They weren't much more expensive. Good luck!

  2. I am so looking forward to having a holiday as soon as the travel restrictions are lifted. Can you order the canning lids online?

  3. Debi, I haven't found any lids online that were affordable so far.

  4. mamasmercantile, I haven't found any online that were affordable, but I keep checking online and in stores.

  5. Its so frustrating with what things are hard to find at any given time! And some are just so random. I hope you can find some lids! Have a great week!

  6. Thanks Jodi, I hope I find some soon. It is frustrating.

  7. Many places I have checked for canning lids say that mid-May will be when stores get their supply shipped in. So they say....Ive been purchasing off of Amazon. Better some than none. Also, stocked up last year on tattlers, tho I do not like them as much...seem to have more failures even following their instructions to tighten the rings after removing jars from the canner. Guess well see this year what becomes available.

    Mama J

  8. MamaJ, I placed an order online with Amazon, but it came to me in email canceled saying the reason was "duplicate" and it was not. I assume they ran out.

  9. Hope you can find your canning lids soon. Maybe you'll find some in an oddball store or place you didn't expect to see them. That happens to me sometimes. We don't can anything but I just can't imagine not planting some sort of garden each year. Hope you are having a great week!

  10. Jean, I hope to find some lids soon. I keep looking when ever I am out and about.

  11. Hope you can find lids for your canning. Enjoyed your post.
    Have a great weekend


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