Monday, March 1, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

We hit 60°F on Sunday.  Although the day started out with rain, it quit and we got the chicken coop mucked.  Boy oh boy did it need it too.  The ladies are happy.  I had to shovel a snow drift to get the wheelbarrow through, but it's all nice and clean for now.  The rain and temperature did not melt all of our snow.

It was such a busy weekend, that much of the inside work was delayed, but that's okay.  It'll be a busy day inside today.

Welcome March!  February was just cold, cold, cold.

Makes me smile!  My garden seeds are starting to sprout!  Without a green house, I am unable to start all of what I plant, but it's a great start this year.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .

38°F/18°F, cold mostly all week, but next week it warms back up for us.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Rested.  Sunday I was wide awake at 4am (for no reason at all).

On the breakfast plate . . .

Cheesy Pepper Sausage and Asparagus Breakfast Bake

(online, SmallTownWoman) I just changed the cheeses to what I had on hand.  I used green bell vs. red bell pepper (what I got from the garden last summer), and I added greens to it.  I used half of my last bag of frozen asparagus.  I'll be getting some in the garden come May.

On my reading pile . . .

As the Earth Turns (haven't really been in the mood to read a lot, as the weather is nicer, so hence outside more often).

On my TV . . .

Netflix - Queen South

On menu this week . . .

-Tacos, using home canned taco sauce

-BBQ (home canned) Turkey Cutlets, wild rice, green beans

-Homemade pizza with home canned pizza sauce and green peppers we froze from the garden

-Either cod or flounder, veggie (haven't decided), home canned corn relish

-Breakfast - Cheesy Pepper Sausage and Asparagus Breakfast Casserole

-Snacks - Fruit Muffins of some sort, maybe using some strawberries we froze

From the camera this week . . .

In about a week our days will be longer again.  More sunshine is definitely what we need too.

Looking around the house . . .

We finally delivered 5 boxes of crafting doo-dads to Daughter T.  She is excited and basically a craft nut like me.  I have a few more boxes that are slightly filled at this point, but house is looking better.

To relax this week I will . . .

Crochet, maybe read

Something I want to share . . .

Random Acts of Kindness (cont):

11.  Out of the blue, send flowers to a friend

12. Say "please" and "thank you" and really mean it

13. Don't interrupt when someone is explaining to you

14. Offer to babysit for a single Mom

15. Put your shopping car back in it's place

Devotional, Inspirational quote, Prayers or Bible Verse . . .

Prayers for extended family in KY (C and S), they had to abandon their home due to flooding.


  1. The breakfast casserole looks so good! I too change things around with what I have when I make a casserole like that.
    Things out of the house are a GOOD thing! I too am decluttering now that we are empty nesters.

    Have a great week

  2. The breakfast casserole looks delicious. With a salad it could be dinner too.

  3. I'm so excited to be "springing forward" soon! I'm loving this spring-like weather :)


  4. Hey, I was up at 4 yesterday too... oh that casserole looks yummy!! What crochet projects are you working on now?? Happy Monday!

  5. The breakfast bake looks delicious, yummy! Your seed 'sprouts' made me smile, we are just starting to sow a few into pots. A little early for outside here.

  6. mamasmercantile, same here with outside weather. I start the seeds inside and plant outside in May after the last chance of frost.

  7. Good morning Kristina. Hope you're staying warm with those temperatures. Ours are finally moving away from the cold and we are looking at a week of 60s and 70s, continuing next week.

    Yay for Spring.

    I'm starting my seeds inside now but we've been getting the garden area set up. Can't wait to see it growing.

    Have a wonderful week.

  8. Sandra, I still need to build some raised beds, but looking forward to a better year this year overall.

  9. I'm all for spring, summer, and more sunshine but I do wish they'd leave daylight savings alone. I so prefer light in my early mornings. Hope you are having a wonderful week so far!

  10. YAY for decluttering - always a winner in my book! and YAY for springing forward! Hope you're having a GREAT week.

  11. thanks threesidesofcrazy, we are starting to get warmer weather


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