Monday, March 29, 2021

Bathroom Remodel Thoughts and other rambling


The bathroom remodel may just be remodeling it as it is (replacing shower and toilet) vs. moving it to the back of the utility room (so I won't be making the old bathroom into a pantry as planned).  It's just too much work and money to install it in the area as planned (concrete slab).  Due to small space, I am looking into buying a wall mounted towel rack for it.  I found this one on Amazon.  I could not believe the prices of them at Home Depot.  Anyway, it's a start, but there is much to do before I can start painting.

I made homemade bread crumbs to use to try two new recipes.  I have since printed out more recipes to try (gulp) and more crochet patterns.  That's what happens when your husband, and two daughter's who still live at home are all at work.  Being got me off the computer so she could file her taxes ha ha!

Random photos.  I'm having trouble getting my camera to load photos to my computer.  I'm working on working out the bugs.  I tried a different USB port.  Nothing.  I have to plug my card in to get photos for now.  It's not the cord either.  I think it has to do with computer updates.  Anyway, I'll figure it out.

At the end of Sunday, my husband worked 76 hours.  There are a lot of people out sick (they are sick sick, most likely due to weather changes).  I saw very little of him.  Plans to drop a lot of stuff at Goodwill is halted until his schedule is free.  The hallway project remains halted as well.  Gotta love all those unfinished projects, as they are something to look forward to.

On a good note, we got the Harley out (even though short ride) one evening for a sanity saver ride.  Boy we both needed it.  We feel everyone has been in a bad mood lately.  Not sure if it's the weather, being cooped in, what's going on in the world or what....spent time looking up cabins so we can retreat soon possibly.

I've probably said this before, but I miss the "normalcy" of using our library.  It was also fun to go there.  I haven't been there for over a year, and finally ordered a few books.  However, because I've gotten into the routine of never going there, I forgot to pick them up.  Sigh.

A bird, for the second time this spring, has gotten into the wood stove.  Oh boy.  It's no fun getting it out either.  The first time the bird went upstairs, but Daughter K finally got it out of the house. 


  1. I haven't used the library for over a year either. Like you I am yearning for some normality but somehow I don't think it will be what we really want. We will need to adjust to a new normal.

  2. mamasmercantile, I may be looking into the little libraries, where I can take a book and donate books. After I spent so much time finding places to donate books, our library announced a book sale. They refused any donations and told me they would not have one. Ugh. Anyway, I just ordered a book from thrift books the other day.


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