Thursday, February 4, 2021

This and That

Woke up to 15°F, with a high of 36 today.  Wow.  Warmer than yesterday, but snow will move back in later after dinner time.

Snickerdoodles were baked.  We haven't had something sweet in a long time. We didn't get to eat them however.  This ding bat, probably stressed with too much multi-tasking, forgot to add the baking soda.  I washed the dishes and left the kitchen.  Sigh.

Yesterday was a day where I made lots of mistakes, forgot stuff or things went haywire.  I didn't get much handiwork, because in the evening our utility room sink had a leak and flooded it.  We spent the night cleaning it up, and fixing the sink drain.

Daughter K found me two more baskets that I needed.  I'm still on the hunt for one more.

The valances I ordered online for the hallway were canceled.  I received an email that they are no longer in stock and I'd be refunded.  Sigh....the hunt continues.  Window film was ordered though (it's requires no adhesive and is removable).

The bread I made is called Skillet Bread, and the recipe is online at i heart  I got so many compliments, I thought I would share the recipe source.  I bake mine for exactly 20 minutes. 


  1. Sounds like a bad day all round. Have a good nights rest and start again. The bread certainly does look delicious.


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