Thursday, February 25, 2021

Motivation Returns ~ From Pile to File Recipe (Sweet Potato Egg Cups)

We have a lot going on now.  Woot!  I heard it from my husband's mouth!  His goal is to finish the hallway completely this weekend.  What's on the list?  Well, for starters, I have boxes in the hall (again) that need delivered.  After that we finish the hallway flooring and trim.  I'm excited to see him motivated, but the weather may have something to do with that too, ha ha!  Although it's a bit chilly this morning.

The purge continues, but at a slower pace unfortunately.  I have done it again - printed new recipes to try.  I want to switch up our breakfast meals, try a few for larger group meals, and some for potlucks/summer cook outs.  I'm having a family get together one way or another (for whoever wants to come).  I miss family.

You may see lack of posts from now until later in March.  There are two possibilities for the bathroom remodel.  Not sure which way we'll go.  

New Recipe!  Baked Sweet Potato Cups (Skinny Taste online).  The next time I will add garlic powder.  So good!  It's a keeper!  The only difference with the instructions, is that I had to bake the eggs longer (18 minutes for mostly cooked yolks), and I rotated the pan.  The one egg that was under the oven light was baking faster.  Will definitely keep this on the breakfast menu.  Oh, I also used parchment paper cups vs. non-stick spray, and it worked great.  The sweet potatoes do not look orange because they were organic hannah sweet potatoes (have a white color to them).

Finally got around to making kamut flake bars.  I added dried cherries, pecans and hemp seeds.

Had to drain a jar of homemade vanilla to make the bars though.

I have more recipes to try, but need a few ingredients.

I've started two trays of seeds, but need two more trays and soil.  The sun is shining most days and it's been so enjoyable.


  1. Everything looks really yummy. Now I'm hungry!

  2. The egg cups look tasty, I have a glut of eggs at the moment that we need to use.

  3. mamasmercantile, the egg cups were delicious and re-heated great too for the next day for my husband's to-go breakfast.

  4. I wish you'd use your link button when you tell us websites so we can find the recipes easier. I'd love to follow along.

  5. Cockeyed Jo, will link up the website next time for you


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