Monday, February 22, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today's post is a dewzie.  Meaning long.  I tried a few new recipes this past week.

I've been doing some searching on the internet lately, and have been reading up (Better Homes and Gardens) how to make my own seed tape.  It will make planting my new green onion seeds so much easier this spring.  I may also just plant them in starter trays this year for easier planting.

Good news!  We are warming up, so this snow will start to melt and we can get outside comfortably to fix the wood splitter.

Thank you all for your oohs and ahhs over the new switch plates.  I have them up for now and deciding on if we need to replace receptacles with another color.  So far I LOVE they way they look, but missed buying for one more outlet.  

.....and guess what?  I think I want them for our master bath now, and one for the living room.  Sigh, I just think we are due for upgrades in this house to perk our spirits.  The old switch plates and screws will be bagged and donated either to the thrift or Habitat location.  I have more ideas for the kitchen.

I've been working on making Monday's and Sunday's an all one meal crock pot day.  It gives me a break in the kitchen, and if we are working outside or in the hallway, we can relax when we are done for the day.  Sunday I made Four Beans and Sausage.

My husband's way of a quick fix (wood splitter) on Sunday?  Buying about 1/3 of a cord of wood.  It was really too cold to be out and fixing the wood splitter.

Woke up to 7° yesterday and today?  At 5:30am it was 38°F.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .

38°F/31°F, but may hit 36°F during the night tonight.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Feeling like our weekend work was simply problems that needed fixed, so no work done on the hallway.  Otherwise feeling good.

On my mind . . .

I was happy to see a bill passed a second time to reduce our Governor's control on lockdowns etc.  It has a better chance this time, as more were for yay than nay and that stops him from putting a veto to it.  

I'm starting to know what the empty nest feels like.  We haven't seen Daughter E (youngest) since last Thursday.  She doesn't like the long drive with the snow.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Not sure, but this is what we had yesterday.  

On my reading pile . . .

As the Earth Turns

On my TV . . .

I love watching Create (cooking shows) during crochet time.  Avoiding talk shows and news has definitely lifted my spirits (sick of the lies, and tired of biased shows).  As for evenings we rely on netflix, movies we own (the best out because they are older movies or funny) or Amazon prime - whatever looks good.

On the menu . . .

-Crockpot roasted turkey breast, roasted asparagus or brussel sprouts

-Beef stew (Monday crock pot meal)

-Philly stuffed green bell peppers

-Sunday crock pot meal - sweet potato chili or a roast with veggies

- Snacks, homemade hummus, kamut flake bars with nuts/seeds

From the camera . . .

Looking around the house . . . 

Looks the same as last week. I need to take boxes to donate and deliver purged crafting supplies.

To relax this week I will . . .

Watch Create (cooking shows) and crochet.

New Recipe I tried or one we tried and really enjoyed. . .

Pizza casserole (my version)

1 lb. sausage of your choice (we like homemade sausage using organic pork)

1 box Organic Einkorn Penne

1 organic green bell pepper diced (or equivalent from your freezer)

1 onion, diced

2 pints home canned pizza sauce

2 cups your favorite pizza topping cheese or cheese blends (we love some Parmesan in ours).

Cook sausage in a skillet. When the meat is halfway cooked, toss in the diced green bell pepper and onion (and any additions you'd like - olives, mushrooms, pepperoni).  Stir in the pizza sauce and heat.  

Cook noodles per package instructions and strain water.  Add cooked noodles to the pizza sauce mixture and combine well. 

Pour half of mixture into a prepared 9 x 13 baking pan, layer with cheese, add last half of mixture.  Bake at 350°F for 45 minutes.  Add another layer of cheese and bake until cheese is melted.  Serve.  Note: You could also add extra pizza toppings with the last layer of cheese.

Crispy baked chicken.

Recipe is online from the Salty Marshmallow.  I adapted organic ingredients.  I can only find organic chicken drumsticks, so that's what I used.  It was so easy, healthy and delicious.  A keeper recipe.  If you are interested in my favorite way to make sweet potatoes, it's basically diced sweet potatoes, loaded with thyme, some fresh minced garlic and olive oil cooked in the crockpot all day.  The other recipe is a corn and zucchini saute (also very delicious, but I prefer to make it with fresh organic zucchini and our corn off the cob we froze).

I really like the chicken recipe, because it's something we could make on vacation when renting a home or cabin.  The chicken tastes great re-heated the next day too.

Something I want to share . . .

Ideas for revitalizing and energizing yourself (cont.)L:

51. Don't do wrong

52. Learn to let go

53. Allot time for daily meditation

54. Engage in organized religious activity

55. Encourage your gentleness

Prayers . . .

Texas.  Mom - she gets her vaccine this week (shipment was delayed).  Youngest - she is still mentally having a difficult time after losing her boyfriend last year.  Some things just remind her of him.  Some times too often for her to handle. 


  1. Great post. I love HHM. It is always fun to visit every one. I tried seed tape was but it wasn't successful. I should try again. Enjoy your week.

  2. The cat looks so cozy asleep in your photo! I enjoy watching those cooking shows on Create every once in a while. Hope you have a great week!

  3. We woke to warmer temps today too... in the 30's as well! Oooo that pizza casserole sounds yummy! Sweet kitty pic! Happy Monday!

  4. Thanks Jean, sometimes I get the best information by watching the cooking shows. Even if it's a small tip.

  5. Thanks Jodi, the casserole was very good. I was trying to rotate pantry items and I needed to use the noodles. We don't eat that much pasta anymore, and it was delicious.

  6. I,ve seen the seed tapes, they are awesome.
    That is great that you have a Habitat nearby to give house items to. Pizza penne casserole looks very appetizing... but then pizza is always a winner :)

    Have a great week

  7. Luludou, I looked into making seed tapes for my green onion seeds. They are so tiny, and when they come up it's hard to weed the herb garden. I may grow them in seed start trays inside this year (instead).


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