Friday, February 19, 2021

Crafting ~ New Kitchen Project

Not sure if we will get more snow yet today, but we definitely got at least 3 inches yesterday.  Had to shovel out the mailbox (again).  After getting sweet potatoes in a crock pot, and walking 2 miles on the treadmill, I piddle-dinked around with the scraps of wall paper.  I just want this particular project done so I can really resume the purge.  Got one more dish scrubbie crocheted too.

My new switch plates arrived for my kitchen.  USA made.  I just need my handyman husband to replace the receptacles to match the color.  Although, after he saw them he thinks the color of receptacles we have may look okay.  I'll be putting one up to day to see.

There was of course more shoveling of snow to do, so I warmed up with a mug of homemade hot chocolate and a splash of peppermint vodka.




  1. I love your new switch covers! Where did you find them?

  2. Monique, I found them online - Arnev Products

  3. US made switch plates. And they are beautiful.

    I'm going to bookmark that product name.

    🌹 🌸 🌺 🌼 🌷

  4. Beside a babbling brook, I just love them.

  5. Those are really pretty switch plates. I've never seen anything like them. We put peppermint schnaaps in our hot chocolate with a dollop of whipped cream and we call it Antifreeze. It sure does warm you up after digging out from a snowstorm! Have a great weekend!

  6. Those are wonderful switch covers. I will have to look into some if we redo our living room. They would be super cute in our farmhouse.

  7. Nothing like a hot, chocolaty treat after hard work.

  8. Debi, thank you! Your drink sounds good too.


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