Thursday, January 28, 2021

This and That


Brr!  It's 20°F out this morning, but feels like 9°F with the wind.  We'll only get up to 26 and a low of 15°F today.  Fire is stoked and animals fed, other than the chickens.  

My husband has to work outside, and comes home exhausted from the cold weather.

I am sure the chicken's water has froze.  In the new coop I want a watering unit the heats in winter and I may spring for one for the barn cat next winter.  She is getting older and it's hard to keep water out for her when she needs it.

On a good note, our state curfew was lifted from 10pm to 11pm.  That is good news for businesses and their employees.  If the number of hospitalizations drop again, they will do away with the entire curfew.

Daughter K took a covid test after returning from her trip to NJ/NY out of respect to others (especially because of Mom).  It was negative.

I came across another reading challenge.  Just wanted to share it, although January is about over.  I can't say I'll follow this one, because I came across so many un-read books of my own while cleaning.

The wooden window panes in the hallway are a bit worn.  What would you suggest to spruce the wood up?  I thought about Murphy's oil soap.  The wood is dull and needs some life put back to it.

Shopping online for the curtains I want has been troublesome.  I am unable to find the same ones I bought for my living room, which I absolutely love.  I may resort to a swag with the new blinds.  I'll figure it out.

I whipped up a template of my own, using cardstock, my printer and some "loot" bags from the dollar store.  I think my packaging turned out pretty professional looking.  Don't you?

Today I need to come up with packaging for the soap saver bags.  I had every intent to get a few rows done on daughter's cardigan and get a few other restock items worked on.  It didn't happen.  Today, I will get my treadmill walk done early and get started early on chores.  I'd like to sit and curl up with yarn this afternoon.  Especially with this cold weather.

Tonight's dinner is partly crock pot - roasted turkey.  I will prep fresh broccoli and steam it later and maybe another veggie.  The crock pot will help free up more time to get some crochet work done.  I feel like the days are flying by lately.

I'm off to brew another pot of coffee.  May your day be bright and full of of positivity.


  1. A great product to restore dried out stained woodwork is Howard Feed-n-Wax. It's made with beeswax and orange oil. I works on furniture too. :)

  2. I do like your packaging. One thought though, could you put your website on the packaging in case anyone wants to purchase directly from you? If it is already on there I apology for the oversight.

  3. Hi Kristina, your packaging looks great! Presentation is so important! I have been thinking of you when at my kitchen sink lately. I purchased a scrubby from a local vendor that is scrubby on one side and washcloth on the other - love it. Bought my daughter one for her Christmas stocking and she love it too.

    Take care, Debby

  4. Excellent work on the packaging. It looks very professional.

    God bless.

  5. Very professional packaging, it looks good. I found when I was doing craft fairs that things sold better when packaged and it kept everything clean. Don't forget to include any extra costs into the price. Temperatures are dropping here too. I am making sure we have plenty of wood/peat ready for the stove. Take care.

  6. Hummingbird, thank you so much. I will be looking for that product now.

  7. Robin, I thought of that after I made them, but will take business cards in to place with them this time. Next time for sure, I will put it on the backside maybe or under the name.

  8. Debby, I have made something similar, but they didn't sell as well here. I crocheted around the scrubbie with mine. Thank you.


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