Thursday, January 14, 2021

January ~ A new beginning

I love January.  A new beginning for the year, a new start and it's the best time for me to deep clean.  I am more excited this year, as we are starting to update the flooring etc.  Most of you are excited to sit and read, relax and whatnot, but I can't do all my deep cleaning over spring, summer and fall.  There is simply too much work with the garden, as I am the only person on weekdays to work it.

We located some flooring on sale, but need to see if other stores have more of it.  My husband is super fired up and motivated now.  I'm so happy for that.

However, my house looks like a hot mess. Boxes of books in three rooms right now, ha ha!  I know it will all piece back together when we are done, but boy oh boy.

My hometown is starting to crack down even more regarding this virus.  It's becoming a less appealing town to visit anymore.  They also have their own mask mandate they continue to update.  It's so frustrating to shop there.  Okay, off my soapbox about that.

Back to my extreme clean.  While waiting on the flooring, I am purging my writing materials.  I have loads of file folders that I have not opened for 10-12 years. I know it's not something that they eye will see first, but doing it as it is much needed.

I also dumped out a drawer in the bathroom.  The kids have destroyed my organizing.  It's the drawer for things like chickweed salve, band-aids, medical tape etc.  Man it was a total mess.  Not really exciting news to post, but maybe I'll motivate someone to dump a drawer and clean it.

Although we recently canceled our out of state trip with biker friends (one has 5 stents), we are concentrating on in state travel for ourselves.  We don't want to be stuck in another state if anyone should get sick.  Anyway, short in state trips, including camping are our escapes.  We will not stop living our lives during all this going on in the world (hopefully it won't get worse).

No one answered my questions about planting mullein and comfrey in the same raised bed, so I guess I'll be doing some research this week.  With the lack of snow this spring, I'd like to get outside work started early on days it's warm enough.  Yesterday was a chilly 21°F in the morning.

On a last note, I weighed myself this morning.  Since we bought our first Harley, I have lost 48.6 lbs. I can't say my exercise was regular in 2020, but I'm back on track.  Just putting laundry on the line, I can rack up 10,000 steps on my fitbit too.

Here is a photo of my embellished Valentine's Day paper clips.  I have also made small flowers as well.  One year I made a set for all the kids for Valentine's day.


  1. Progress on the deep clean here is slow but steady, a little at a time. I love the embellished paper clips, such a lovely idea. I hope you don't mind if I do a couple for gifts, I have some extra large clips that I could use.

  2. mamasmercantile, go for it. I'm sure there are patterns on the internet for tiny hearts. If I find any around the house with the flowers, I'll share a photo of that too.


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