Monday, January 25, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

Woke up to a stone cold wood stove.  Hurumph!  We both worked so hard Sunday, we woke up feeling like we just spent the first day in the garden kind of feeling.  I feel like I'm feeding an army of animals too.  Thankfully our daughter K has a flight home today.

The tree the county cut down a year ago is still providing for this winter.  We cut it on better weather days, move those cut pieces to the barn and split any day we need it.  Not the best plan, but it's working.  One of these days we'll be prepared over summer if I can motivate my husband.

I sent an email to the one place in the "Big City" I sell my soap saver bags at.  I'm inquiring on selling another item there, and crossing my fingers.  I miss having craft shows, and the cash it brings in.  I received a check this past week for items sold on consignment there (happy for that).

I have another project for us to do.  More on that tomorrow.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .
33°F/29°F, Snow predicted.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Great.  Slept well.

On my mind . . .
Oh lots of things.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Bean, sausage, egg and cowboy candy breakfast burrito.

As I look outside my window . . .
It's dreary - no sunshine today.

Currently reading . . .
Nothing today, but may be later this week

On the TV this week . . . 
Cobra Kai, although I am getting sick of the back and forth fighting, so we will take a break and watch something else.  The not getting along in the movie is not exactly uplifting.

On the menu this week . . .
-Turkey breast with hot pepper mustard sauce, veggie
-Mexican chicken
-Ham, zucchini/corn 
-Baked chicken, crock pot sweet potatoes

Something fun to share . . .
ha ha ha!  My to-do list?  
-master bath
-take 4 boxes of books to the thrift store in another town
-organize sewing supplies
-put up new blinds
-paint second coat of paint on wine corks
-possible trip to the hardware store
-replace kitchen runner rugs with the long runners I used to have in the hallway (old ones will be used in the garden this year to keep weeds down).
-start purging out the hutch
-Boil a dozen eggs
-dump ash pail

Favorite photo from the camera. . .
We got the upper flooring done over the weekend.  Next?  The steps.  It'll be challenging for sure.  I need to take down those broken blinds, wash the windows and put the new ones up.  Shopping online for new sheers is a pain.  I can't find the ones I bought a few years ago, but the search goes on.

As I look around the house . . .
I have things that need put away, but pending the purge I'm doing.  I have a new porch sign I need to hang up outside as well.

New Recipe I tried or want to try . . .
New fruity muffin recipe.

To relax this week I will . . .
Crochet most likely.

Prayers, Inspiration Quotes, Devotionals. . .


  1. I do that, too, with shows where I sometimes have to take a break. Your flooring looks great. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. The flooring looks wonderful, good luck finding the curtaining you are looking for.

  3. Flooring looks good. Ugh, when the stove is cold, it is VERY cold in the house.
    Have a great week


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