Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Tuesday Tidbits

Breakfast yesterday ended up a tossing of whatever I had - onion, green pepper, broccoli, eggs, leftover sour cream, bacon and herbs.  Dinner was crock pot ham and bean soup using the last of the leftover ham.

Monday was a total madness day of cleaning, tidying up, putting Christmas stuff away (which wasn't much this year), laundry and more.  I took down my bathroom Christmas shower curtain, and put the bathroom Christmas tree away.  Took down all the outside Christmas lights (first year to ever do this before Jan 1st).  

Tidying up may take all week, but it's getting done.

After everything that has happened in 2020, I am pulling out my journals and getting back at it, and writing (fiction) again.

I have no resolutions for the new year, but I do have one goal - see Chris Stapleton in concert with my husband.  It may be next fall, but it's a goal anyway.  Doubtful our country will be back to that sort of normal, but I can at least hope.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.