Saturday, December 19, 2020

Stuck in a Rut

Being stuck in the house day after day has gotten me lazy. I'm off track with homemade gifts this year.  Not to mention baking.  I am writing out a list to get back on track.  Oye.  I need out of this rut.

Finished 4 of the Adli's quarter holder keychains.  I think they are adorable.

I made cashew brittle for Christmas.  I hid this batch, but we'll see if they find it before Christmas.

Made one batch of Paprika Dry Rub to gift.  It's for turkey or chicken.  Good for a year once made.  I recycled some glass jars that were the perfect size for gifting (organic tomato paste jars).  I just have to label them and pack the bags for delivery. Recipe is from Taste of Home (online).

Recipe I want to try, but will cut recipe in half.



  1. Love the look of the cashew brittle, yummy. So nice to give homeade gifts, made with love.

  2. We all get stuck in ruts once in a while! Thanks for the recipe, I'm getting lots of eggs now, great one to try!

  3. Nancy, thanks. It looks delicious. Can't wait to try it.


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